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nancy s.

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Posts posted by nancy s.

  1. Well, I have been to NY a lot and taken a lot of pictures and spent a lot of money. Shot a couple of weddings there too.


    Like the line says, "Guess I won't be doing that again.."


    I guess NYC won't miss my tourism or my money or that of my clients. There are other cities.

  2. I shoot film so I either would have taken the shot of what was there in such a way as to make it a good shot (tho I have plenty I have done that were not!), or not taken it.


    If I had wanted to alter the reality I could have the film scanned and do so in Photoshop.


    Personally, I opt for the less photoshop the better but I am a dinosaur.....

    I also find the shots I took years ago that were at the time "technically" not so good ahve value today for historical significance, if only to me.

  3. Robert K.

    Right now I am sticking to domestic travel (in the US). Taking a dog into a foreign country is a whole 'nother can of worms I don't want to get into.


    Having someone share expenses and driving was the reason for the original post.


    However, I do agree with Eddie Gunks. When I am solo I do meet the best sort of people it seems. Last year I had a travel companion but when he was not with me, I was free to talk to ppl and it was nice.


    I have traveled with my Cat in the past. The only problem with travelling with her was she has short legs! She walks well on a leash but after about 3 miles that is enough walking and she wants to ride in the back pack (and does). If she is tired then she sleeps or if not that tired she looks out at the world while I do the walking! She is getting up there in years now, so I don't do this as much as I used to with her.

  4. The lower the number of lens MM the wider the angle of view.


    For 35 mm film format, the 50 mm lens is "normal" or what you see with your eye. Higher numbers are more telephoto and lower numbers are wide angle.


    An 85 mm lens is ideal for portrait work. It is a "short" telephoto lens so you can be the proper distance from the subject for lighting formulas and get the proper look of the subject in the lens. This lens will flatter the subject for a variety of reasons (look at the free tutorials on this site).


    I use a zoom lens for a LOT of my work. It is a 35mm-70mm lens. I have a wider angle fixed lens when I need it for land scapes and I have other telephoto lenses for that work as well.


    Telephoto lenses bring things far away into view (like a telescope). They are used for wildlife and sports... anything where you would like to be closer to your subject but cannot be.


    This is the short story. There is a LOT more to this subject but there is the basic nuts of it.

  5. You had an unprofessional and unwritten agreement that did not even involve a firm price.

    A contract of any kind has to have specifics in it. Something has to be promised and for that promise something has to be exchanged and if any party fails to deliver, then there is a "payment" for failure to deliver.


    YOu have no contract and no pictures and, quite honestly, have learned a lesson in having an acquaintance do something w/o anything in writing.


    You did get exactly what you paid for and I am sorry this lesson was the loss of your wedding photos.


    Please please please tell your friends this story and have them hire a pro.

  6. You need to learn how to use flash. Some of your photos would have been improved greatly by catchlights in ppl's eyes that flash provides in addition to the reduced contrast that flash provides (which is why you use flash).


    The photo of the flower girl and most of the close ups would have been improved by a kiss of flash.


    I do not like the one looking down at her head where you are also looking down her dress.. crop in the View finder or Crop in Photoshop. Your choice.


    I also find low angle shots unflattering (up the nose shots).


    For your posed shots I would suggest Joe Zeltsman's free Portrait lessons so you can learn about posing and lighting.


    The shot of the wedding party on the house stairs could have been improved by moving the ring bearer from behind the flower girl.


    I have attempted constructive critique here.


    All in all not a bad first effort if wedding PJ is your style of choice.

  7. Robert K. I like your idea. I wish I had the expertise and time to do something like that. In the meantime, I have the dog!



    It is not hope I have abandoned, it is the need for a second person in my life on a day to day basis I have abandoned.


    I am way happier now alone than I have been for the last 26 years.. first as a married person (20 years) single for a year then as a girl friend for 5 years. Both people were losers, tho the last (BF) was a far greater life failure (RE: Everything he ever did he was a failure at!) than the former (failed at relationships but not at life).

  8. My dog is a German Shepherd. She is not a year old yet but well mannered and waits well already, but will improve as time goes on. I hope!


    As to the Match dot Com thing... well, here is the thing.. I just got rid of one relationship about 8 months ago (liar, cheat, drugs etc.). I don't want another one. My relationships tend to attract the worse sort of people.. so rather than waste any more of my life that way I have closed that door quite firmly.


    The more I look into travel companions the less inclined I am to go that route simply due to the difficulty in finding someone who is flexible and honest etc.


    Take good photos and share the trip later as a slide show after a dinner party.. and then everyone can go home and I got to spend 4 hours with them and didn't have to spend 4 weeks in a car with them! LOL

  9. NM is photo op heaven IMO. If you are on the interstate, stopping is not recommended but for other roads as long as the sight distance is reasonably clear, it is OK.


    There is a place there.. off the beaten path.. where Smokey Bear (the "Only You can prevent Forest Fires" Icon) is buried (Capitan) and of course there is Zuni Pueblo.. an active and mostly modern Native American village that has a Museum..... located 35 miles south of Gallup on SR 53.

  10. Actually, I went to the Couchsurfing site and that has its interesting points. I am over 50 so that might not fit well with a younger person, but there are some interesting ideas there that I may pursue.


    And Bruce, you are correct. A person you are traveling with does not have to be a photographer as long as they can go off and do something else while you are waiting for a train or the light etc. What I do NOT want is someone sitting in the car while I am doing my thing with a puss on and a sigh! some of the things I like to do are not photography.. and I don't want someone pressing me.. which is why I think the Dog is a good idea. ;)


    You are also correct in that having someone to spend quality time with is nice too, but after my most recent experience in the.. uhhh.. 'relationship business' I have decided against any more relationships. I don't mind friends but do not want to ever again go beyond that.


    Once burned the stove's fault. Twice burned your own fault (or something like that). Three times would be way to expensive on both a financial and emotional front! I am just not that good at spotting bonafide cheats, liars, cads and small time scam artists!


    It is for this very reason I keep returning to the going solo idea.. but I figured fellow travelling P-netters would have some good ideas.


    I was right! You do! thanks! :)

  11. Well, you have all mentioned the problems I have been considering. From these responses and my own thoughts it would seem prudent to me to just go solo.. and take my dog if I really want companionship that won't care what we do as long as she can come too. LOL


    As you have noted, traveling can bring out traits in another person you may be unhappy about being around for an extended time period. Also, it is very important to have someone around who is trustworthy and isn't into illegal drugs or excessive drinking etc.


    I am keeping this domestic at this point. Someday, when I have the money.. and the time.. I would like to go to Africa and take wild life photos.. big cats.. and I would love to go to Nepal.. (tho I am not interested in climbing any of those mountains!). I would also like to see the Scottish Highlands and rural England...


    Well, OK.. I need to win the lotto...


    I do love to travel. I get into that mode and I just want to see new horizon all the time. Funny thing is I don't really understand those who don't.


    I could see where it would get old if it was for work and all you saw were airports and conference halls!


    Anyway, I am listening to the ideas. Might do a photography club thing.. give it a try.. in the fall when I have more time!

  12. I have been traveling to the western US on an annual basis since 2002. For

    most of those trips I traveled with someone who was equally interested in

    photography as well as able to enjoy some of the other adventures such trips

    have to offer.


    That situation has changed and, while I have not a single reservation about

    traveling alone or with my Dog, it would be nice to have someone along to

    share driving and expenses and offer idea exchange.


    The question is how to find an honest travel companion (drug free) who will be

    interested in getting up early in the morning to catch the light and also not

    object to doing other things as well (I like to hike and ride horse back, for



    I am considering a trip across country in about 18 months to Montana, Idaho

    and Washington/Oregon (assuming I can find the money for such an adventure).

    I have been considering different travel methods from flying or taking the

    train to driving and then mixing up the accommodations between camping and



    Every time I begin to consider the idea of a travel companion I find myself

    reconsidering and thinking that going alone with my dog would be better....


    However, I thought I would throw this out here to more experienced travelers

    and see what you all could advise on the finding a trust-worthy travel


  13. I use a Kodak DX 4900. Takes the same CF card as the Big DSLR.


    It does shut off automatically and the VF is anything but "pro" but the flash shuts and stays shut and the lens does retract, but it is a nice little camera and does the job. 4 Megapixels. I have had it for 5 years and it works well for me.


    I agree that the DSLR is a lot of camera to be lugging around.

  14. Bullfrog Primitive Camping and Bullfrog RV Campground

    Stanton Creek, Bullfrog North, Bullfrog South, Page AZ 86040, 435-684-7400

    6, toilets, shoreline, All year


    WahWeap Campground and RV park

    100 Lakeshore Dr, Page AZ 86040, 928-645-2433

    18, toilets, water, cfg, table, All year


    Page Lake Powel Campground

    849 S Highway 98, Page AZ 86040, 928-645-3374


    to name a few. Call first. The West is filling up and pulling in w/o reservations can mean no room at the Inn or the Campground!

  15. If you care about the profession, take the time to learn the technical skills you need and treat the profession and your customers with respect, then you are legit (matters not if you are part time or full time).


    I learn from your posts Allan, if that is any help. Fact is, I try to share what I know but there are many who know more. I learn from them and pass on what I know to others.

  16. I was at Glacier, Tetons, Yellowstone and the Wind River and Balck Hills last summer (late) into early September. The fires are problematic, but it depends on which way the wind blows and whether or not a front comes thru to clear the air.


    Snow packs depend on the year but they are disappearing. It is estimated that in 20-50 years Glacier National Park will be Glacier in name only due to climatic changes. The number of glaciers has dropped substantially since the park opened.. which is a LONG time in human years but a very short time geologically speaking.


    If I were you I would see what the fire situation was west of any of the places you are interested in before going there. IOW the planning of the trip may mean you plan several trips and try for the one with the least amount of smoke.


    I found that, in addition to figuring out which way the wind is blowing, the light refraction from smoke is not as bad in the morning.. the haze is a light reactive process in addition to the smoke itself so it gets worse as the day progresses.


    I did other things for photos when the smoke was bad.. close ups of alpine flowers and wildlife, shorter distance subjects etc.


    One of the best days for photography turned out to be a bleak rainy day where the clouds came over the edge of a mountain looking like the vapor you get from dry ice in water.. spectacular stuff that day and the sun no where to be seen.

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