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geof finch

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Image Comments posted by geof finch

  1. wow ! what a beautiful image. My attention stays around the gate and fence detail, which then draws me to their shadows, and the shadows in turn draw me to the sun, and then along the horizon background. I really like it and can imagine myself there.


    Zs 673

    I really like this pose. Great tone. There appears no pretense about the model, and the scene's capture is spontaneous in "what you see is what you get." Usually I crop above the knee, but I am not the author of this image and therefore wasn't there to interpret the scene to be presented. So, I agree with Dickey's comment re spontanaity. Personally, I think 'to crop could lose the spontanaity.' The background is well done - it doesn't detract from the main subject, rather it compliments who the model is and keeps my attention on her. I've photographed a similar looking model and found that this 'below the knee' shot actually favours this body shape - it might break rules, but heh, it works ! well done to the both of you...Geof
  2. From the thumbnail I was excited, nicely composed and fairly good dynamic range, I even like the blurred foreground and agree that it was a good and interesting selection by the Elves - but when viewing fully, the image loses appeal and doesn't retain or try to compete for my attention. A square image has to really 'compete' against the norm to capture and retain the viewer, but this image doesn't do that. On a positive, it doesn't blatantly offend or make me click out of it, rather it just lets me drift out of viewing it - So, to get my attention back, I suggest rotating the image CCW and you will then see a man (similar to the comic book seller from The Simpsons TV show !) You will notice his face and his eyes popping out, and perfect top and bottom lips, and a big beer belly ! Yes, you have now got my attention back again and the excitement to go with it..lol



    Simply Beautiful !

    Nice even skin colours, good facial expressions, I love the contrasting personalities between one girl 'interested' (looking straight at the lens) and the other 'disinterested.' I like also the closeness of the two with their pose which brings their relationship together. Great detail as well and nice sharp image.



    Ailton #4

    I agree with Michael Nigro this photograph displays excellent lighting and finish quality. Unfortunately it doesn't emit any emotion to me. It doesn't 'grab' and 'keep' my attention which I want it to do. As a viewer I haven't been given enough information. I'm left wondering what is going on - there is no tenseness in the fingers no hint of anything. Because of this, my thoughts then move over to the Doug Burgess comment re this photograph is a little Robert Mapplethorpish..it comes across soft to me.
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