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Posts posted by elliotspirrett

  1. <p>Hi there,<br />I've just bought an EOS 600 for £12.95 of eBay, (I have zero restraint but also zero money with which to exercise siad lack of restraint so it's the bargain bin for me!) mainly swayed by the high fps compared to my 1000FN.<br />However, I think I've hit a snag in the question of where to buy rolls of film with which to feed this monstrosity. I essentially would use to to do action work and maybe some street photography so all long lens stuff.<br>

    Any other related advice would be delightful also.<br>

    Cheers,<br />Elliot.</p>

  2. OK this is a street/people project I quite fancy going at and I would like

    some feedback.

    I would like to photodocument (is that even a word?) the different tribes we

    have in modern day society. I'm thinking all kinds of social groups and

    people... Young and old, rich and poor, another category and it's relevant



    So how would you suggest going about this? Does anyone have a method which

    they go through before starting a project?


    Also would you prefer to see candid shots or aranged shots? And then, if

    aranged - by me or by the people themselves (that would probably give a more

    acurate representation).


    The inspiration for this sort of span off from hit film City of God. If you

    haven't seen this I suggest you do!


    So any thoughts tips and ideas for equipment needed would be nice - films,

    filters and I guess lenses being most important...




  3. Thanks, that's a good point. I was assured by the bidder (a seller of camera gear only) that it would work on my EOS. But when it came to the end of the auction I wondered if I'd made a mistake, because I could find no other mention of this working on an EOS online. But I do see now. And don't be disheartened with eBay as it's really fantastic! I just wish more bidders were honest. Still a full refund has been offered so I can't complain. Thanks for the help!
  4. Hey chill, I'm not bothered about the price (though I AM bothered about the price of the book - yes money IS a problem I'M UNEMPLOYED), I'm more worried about frigging my camera up. I also expect to recieve a working flash. This seller is more than a little dodgy getting 36 negative feedbacks in the last month, but the question was about the flash, not my experience as an eBay seller/buyer, and whether or not I'm going to try and grab a bargain all the time (doesn't everyone?).

    Let's try to stay on topic shall we - cause I can out sarcasm anyone!

    Incidentally - I'm a lay buddhist and already use a form of meditation. So ********

  5. I have recently bought this flash on eBay, and am concerned that I can't find

    out if it works on an EOS 1000FN.

    The buyer assures me it will so I just bought it, (seeing as it was only 92p),

    but can someone advise me whether he has conned me out of almost a whole pound?

    The flash is a Cobra D300 and the item number is 170045044294


    Any help greatly appriciated.


  6. I must ask, as it's been troubling me something rotten... Why on earth are

    these excellent photography bibles ("Kodak Professional Photoguide" etc.) so

    bloody expensive? Though I realise some are out of print, amazon quoted one at

    ?220.00 the other day.

    Please tell me this is a joke?

    Even the ?24.00 is a little steep for what appears to bea 54 page spiral bound


    Somebody tell me I'm not crazy for wanting to spend ?220 on something other

    than a book, no matter how much it will help me?



  7. I've just started photography with an old-ish EOS 1000FN and it has become

    apparent that film is not a good idea for me, as I make lots of mistakes and I

    can't go back and change that until I develop my films, and then it's usually

    too late.

    So I'm thinking of getting a Digital SLR.

    However. Money is very much an important factor here. I'm 17 with no job and

    little money. Christmas is aprroaching however, and I can get money then.

    Question is, is there a cheap Digital SLR I can get? referably a Canon as I

    have the EF mount lens already, but it's not a problem if not, as it would

    raise some funds for the Digital.




  8. Excellent thanks guys and gals (God did I really just say that?), this is all really helpful!

    I heard autofocus was a bad idea for skate photography, does anyone have any idea if this is true?

    Cheers once again!

  9. Hi there,

    After much pains, trials and tribulations, I have finally got myself an EOS

    1000FN with a Sigma zoom lens.

    I'm (as you may have guessed), interested in using it for skateboarding


    I'm just wondering if anyone can give me some tips on what I'm doing when it

    comes to this?

    Is my camera of much use for this kind of work?

    Would anyone recommend anything to lower me *slowly* into the world of


    How easy is it to make money out of photography (I'm guessing you have to be

    pretty good?)?

    Anything else I should know...?

    Cheers for any help.

    Elliot Spirrett

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