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Posts posted by jimh

  1. You should not scan the print but the neg. Scanning an 8x10 print and enlarging to 20x24 will give very bad results no matter how good your scanner is.


    Scanning a 4x5 negative at 1600 dpi (the real resolution of the 1640su, not 3200 dpi) on the other hand should give you a very good 20x24 print.

  2. <i>Maybe they'll just make you spend more for a N80 as a backup or something.</i>

    <p>Yeah, and then carry the FM3A as backup-for-the-backup for the manual lenses the N80 can't handle.

  3. Are you sure it has a felt seal? I bought Hasselblad seals for my Kiev backs and they were made of thin metal. Anyway, I'd just stock up with spare seals and change them now and then. The cost (at least here in Sweden) is just about $2 each and they are very simple to replace with a screwdriver and five minutes work.
  4. I have abolutely no experience of this, but I guess any MF camera could do this, with a lens that has a reasonable flat image field, and bellows/rings enough to make the reproduction scale. A 70 mm back would probably be cheaper and faster than switching 120/220 all the time.


    What I don´t understand in your suggestion is why you would contact dupe the output from the film recorder. Since cost doesn´t seem to be an issue to you anyway, why not make the dupes with the film recorder with higher quality?

  5. Ok, backwards, as far as I can. I don´t own an Autocord, just the older (1953) Minoltacord, so my answers could be wrong.


    13. Pull them out to load film spools


    11. Part 1 - don´t know, part 2 - no, the finder is actually a bit smaller than the actual image. I guess the lines are a help for rectangular composition


    10. Don´t know with the Autocords, but on my Minoltacord and my Yashicamat you need to install the upper film spool for the counter to work


    9. The winder should stop when it´s ready. If it doesn´t, I guess it´s broken


    1. This is really only a guess, but it should be resided at the pressure plate and work by moving the plate in/out

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