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Image Comments posted by freeelectron

  1. First of all I want to thank you for your comments on my photo.

    Please keep track of my porfolio and leave comments there, helping me to improve.


    For this photo, I think it is fine. But I have several thoughts:


    1. I suppose you are trying to create a spacial feeling by using shadow and pillars. In this case, I suggest you to increase the DOF by using a smaller aperture, such that the attention of the audience would be drawn from the closes pillar, to the next pillar, and finally to the house behind. For now, the house is still not sharp enough to catch significant attention.


    2. you have filled up one third of the photo by the closest pillar. this is fine is the pillar contain some interesting feature, like a bug on it, or special texture resulted from weathering etc. However, the pillar in your photo is a bit too plain. So if you fill up the photo by this, the photo maybe too plain to draw audience's attention.


    I suggest you may try a more special angle, like capturing the scene by putting your camera just a little bit above the ground, so that the spacial feeling would even be enhanced, as you include the closest portion of the ground in the photo too.



    Sweet Dream...


    Can anyone tell me why there is a 3/3 rating on this photo?

    Again, I can't find any serious problem in framing, composition, colour, texture, sharpness, theme etc. On the other hand, I think the framing is nice (according to the Rule of Third for the facial expression of the cat, central framing technique for the entire body of the cat), the sharpness is nice, and the photo matches its theme - "sweet dream". Although this photo doesn't have an amazing colour composition, nor special lighting (the key of light is low here), but the main object simply stands out from the background and catches my attention. The cat's pose is kind of very relaxed and levitated, and the facial expression is sweet and smiling. So I am really surprised and confused when I see a 3/3 rating!


    I think giving a low rating without explanation is a kind of irresponsible action. Can anyone in PN try to block such kind of irresponsible action?


    I don't mean my photos are fantastic. I do welcome critical comments and rating, as far as explanation are provided and the explanation is reasonable.

  2. Ivan,

    Thank you for your comments and the modified photo.


    I am an idiot in PS, and still got no time to learn...


    I am of the same age group as you, I was born in 1983.

    and I am also a beginner in photography.


    So lets keep sharing our experience and thoughts.





    Rabinder Bhandari and Antonio Toscano Rofa,


    Thank you very much for your affirmation.


    I am a beginner in photography, so please feel free to give me comments and critiques, helping me to grow.


    Go to my porfolio, when you have time. I will keep uploading photos there.







    I agree with you it's really an amazing scene.

    I am a beginner in photography and a new member here.

    Do feel free to browse my porfolio when you have time and give me comments and critiques, helping me improve.



    Rocks & Rhinoceros


    Please view in larger format and give me honest comments, helping me

    to grow.


    I am a beginner in photography and a new member.

    If you like my photo, don't hesitate to give me affirmation by rating

    it high.


    Thank you very much.

    = My Fiancee =




    Thank you for giving me comments and recommending photography books for me. I will try to look out for the book once I have time.


    As far as I remember, the focus is on her face.

    For the yellowish colour, I should say, I deliberately compose like this, as I want to create a warm tone here, as explained in my previous messages below this photo.


    Thank you for giving me critique, and please keep track on me, and see if I have any improvement. And please continue to give me suggestions, and help me improve.


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