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Image Comments posted by freeelectron

    Cattleya I


    Thank you for your affirmation.


    Feel free to browse my porfolio and keep track on it. Your comments help me to grow, so please keep leaving comments on my photos.


    Regards. John

    Cattleya I


    Thank you very much for your precious comments and the modified photo.

    I do gain from that.


    I am a beginner in photography and this photo is my second trial on floral pics.


    I have visited your porfolio, which contains excellent floral photos. And I am looking forward to more excellent work posted on your porfolio soon.


    Please keep track on my porfolio, I will keep upload new photos onto it frequently. And I am willing to learn from you.


    Regards. John

  1. John and TC,


    Thank you for your affirmation and positive suggestions.


    For the framing, I deliberately include the "space" on the right of the photo, due to the following reasons:


    1. I want to capture the dim red sky colour and the overall transition from dim red to deep blue (on the left).


    2. I want to create the feeling of a harbor, since in fact theme of the photo is on Victoria Harbor.


    3. I don't prefer to put the tiny moon in the middle of the sky, which happens if I pan my camera to the left.


    If you have time, please feel free to also look at my photos in my porfolio, especially,








    I am looking forward to your advices.



  2. Kolby,


    Thank you for your positive comments. I have left a comment in your porfolio, please check it out when you have time.


    There are a number of photos on Victoria Harbor night scene in my porfolio, feel free to browse them and leave comments.


    Finally, I do invite you to come to Hong Kong, which is really a nice place to visit.



    Fishing Anyone?




    The framing of this photo is quite nice.


    However, I have 3 comments.


    1. The "Fishing Pier" sign seems to be a bit over-exposed. And hence I feel that the sign is less harmonic with the surroundings.


    2. Although the framing is nice here, the content of the photo is not very interesting.


    3. When capturing the environment, very often it is good to include some shadow, in order to increase the contrast and spacial depth of the photo. In your photo, the shadow of the objects are not obvious, and the whole scene is less 3D, but planar. Consider taking the photo in a different lighting conditions or a different angle.



    = My Fiancee =


    Helo~ I am a beginner in photography. Please give me critiques and

    comments, helping me to improve. Thanks. I used exposure compensation

    = -0.7 step, to make it more moody and saturated. No PS*

    Sweet Dream...


    Thank you for you helpful suggestion.


    I am inspired by your suggestion. I shall get down to their level next time I take photos on pets and animals.


    However, this cat is not my pet. Indeed, I do want to keep such a lovely cat. Yet I don't have enough time at the moment.



  3. Tyler,


    I have done what you have just said.


    I may upload that photo here later.


    In fact I have another photo of salted shrimps in my portolio, that one is of "spiral" arrangement and of closer zoom.


    See if you like that one also.



  4. Tyler,


    I like this photo, and wonder if I can walk on this beach with my fiancee and appreciate this romantic sunset.


    On the other hand, I would have some suggestions to share.


    I think the top and the bottom of the photo is not as exciting as the middle of it. Hence, I suggest you to crop out the top and the bottom of the photo, to make it become a panorama (see below).


    Also, the colour composition can be somehow improved by adding filter.


    Finally, it seems that the camera is a bit tilted when you took this photo. Do you use ball-head or 3D-pan head for your tripot when taking this photo? For photo of landscape, I think a 3D-pan head is better, since it's more precise.



  5. Tyler,


    It's nice capture.


    I am not familiar in capturing sunset. However, I will try my best to share what I know.


    I think the colour composition is quite nice. Yet, it can be further improved by adding some filter on the lens. But I am not familiar with this.


    My other sugegstion is that I think you may try another shot by zooming out more and capturing the whole reflection of the tower on the water, if possible. The reflection (may even be longer in length than the real tower) may increase the spacial feeling of this photo. And you may want to use a smaller aperture to increase the DOF accordingly.


    Final suggestion is that, you may also try to wait for the sun go even lower to the ground, such that the reflection of it may even be more fantastic, on the other hand, the purple colour of the upper sky may also be captured, increasing the colour variation.



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