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Image Comments posted by milisen

  1. I'll have to look into getting my monitor calibrated. I have a couple other pics that looked great on my screen, but when taken to another computer, came out dark or in an off-color. Thanks for the tip!
  2. I always find whitetips in the worst conditions for photography (Kahala, Waikiki, Port Lock) but they make great subjects when the water is clear. I'd say the strobe was a little too bright for this shot so the mouth details are somewhat lost, but otherwise, cool composition!
  3. A good friend of mine did his PhD on whitetips in Hawaii and uses images taken by underwater photographers to identify individuals based on the black spot pattern on their sides. While he is no longer on island, he is continuing this work. If you are interested, check out whitetip.hawaii.edu. Nice shot, where was this taken?

    A nice group

    Beautiful work, Bruno, but once again, everything in this picture can be found in Hawaii, too, from the goatfish (Mulloidichthyes vanicolensis) to the dominant coral (Porites lobata). I took a scene very similar but to this in Kona. I like your composition better.

    Open Wide

    I have yet to get one of these. G. flavimarginatus are all over the place, but they always retreat whenever I approach for a picture, especially when they are getting cleaned.
  4. Its actually a lizardfish (Synodus sp.) chowing on a blenny (Cirripectes obscurus). The disastrous part was he let go as soon as we left and the blenny went shooting under a rock never to be seen again.

    Pelagic Salp

    That was the coolest part about a lot of the critters I was looking at that night. They all had some form of bioluminescence. We got cruised by a cookie-cutter shark that night, too (talk about creepy!), and even it glowed an olive green color. This guy was doing exactly what you see here.
  5. Hi Liz

    Great depth of field on this image! There is no question what you were going for here and I think you nailed it. It might help make it even better if you could maybe contrast the shrimp's eyes a little more.

    Giant clam

    I love the composition in this image. The angles really draw your eye into the picture. If I were to change anything, I might try to either throw more light on it (always the bane of the underwater photographer) or photoshop in the vibrant blues that these guys exhibit.

    Pelagic Salp

    I sent it off to a plankton expert who identified it as Pyrosoma atlanticum. It is a part of the deep scattering layer and ascends to the surface at night along with millions of other strange gelatinous critters. I found it over blue water of water at night.
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