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Everything posted by gooseberry

  1. gooseberry


    Well spotted, John: I did clone them out indeed -- somehow they didn't compose well with the rest in this crop. As for your gorgeous model's expression, feels to me that my alternative framing detracts from it, which is exactly why I favour your take on it.
  2. gooseberry


    ...have tried different crops (one example above), but couldn't find one I'd be truly happy with, which makes me think that your crop was the winner in this case.
  3. gooseberry


    ...and reflection: I note you've cropped it into a square format, John, so am wondering what you've left out (?) -- I think I would have went with a portrait format to shown more of model's reflection.
  4. <blockquote> <p>If you really want to dive into some very precise localized color correction go to Vimeo and look up "the 10-channel Color Workflows" videos by Lee Varis.</p> </blockquote> <p>Have found two versions, which appear to be different:<br /> <br />a single 46-minute chunk on U-tube<br /><a href="https://youtu.be/KUMq9HY2GWs">https://youtu.be/KUMq9HY2GWs</a><br /> <br />and a 4-part shorter episodes on vimeo<br /> <br /> <br /> or <br />https://vimeo.com/16858156</p> <p> </p>
  5. Believe the expression goes to have something at one's feet / to have the world at your feet, so is that an intentional play on words?
  6. <p>Have never used them, but have a look at <a href="http://www.astrosurf.com/buil/us/iris/iris.htm">IRIS</a> and/or <a href="http://www.astronomie.be/Registax/">RegiStax</a>; they <em>may</em> do what you're after.<br> Good luck!<br> <br />P.S.<br />Here's a <a href="http://www.russsscope.net/staxtutorial.htm" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">tutorial</a> for the latter.</p>
  7. Here's one of tonight's blood moon (unimpressive resolution / sharpness, but cool colours ;)
  8. <p>...and if you want to correct WB where you don't have a neutral target, see this <a href="/beginner-photography-questions-forum/00YmG4">old thread entitled similarly to yours</a>: you may find there some good suggestions.</p>
  9. <p>Shoot a grey card (or a more sophisticated white/black point target) in a given lighting conditions and calibrate all shots taken in these (or similar enough) conditions to that target. Here's a quick tutorial...<br> http://bermangraphics.com/digital-jury-resources/black-white-color.htm<br> ...obviously, shoot RAW.</p>
  10. gooseberry


    I, too, like the "other model" (reflection in the mirror) in the background: it definitely adds to the story -- it makes it intriguing!
  11. gooseberry


    ...perspective + DoF + post-processing / B&W conversion.
  12. Unfortunate placement of the model in relation to the table.
  13. gooseberry


    If I were to nit-pick, I'd say the headboard in the background provides an unnecessary line, but it's minor (and could be cloned out ;)
  14. gooseberry

    Black metal

    Great pose / model / lighting, but the post-processing disagrees with my taste (actually, it looks good when viewed small, but not enlarged.)
  15. gooseberry


    ...she even smiles with her eye!
  16. gooseberry

    A selfie for you

    Don't worry, you weren't "teachy" at all; I was just making fun of my own presumptions follow by the eureka moment when I finally clicked.
  17. gooseberry

    A selfie for you

    Oh, so the phone was on live view -- gotcha, Gabrielle -- thought the model shot a selfie first and then was showing that already captured image of herself to the camera...
  18. gooseberry


    ...I'd have found the picture hanging on the wall behind the model's head annoying -- cluttering the composition and distracting from the model -- but the model is so mesmerizing it doesn't bother me when I'm merely a viewer. I'd still crop on the left to get rid of the view of the other room; as is, I don't think it adds anything (with multiple exposures merged so that to have the same model sitting on the couch in the background it could be interesting.)
  19. gooseberry

    A selfie for you

    How many takes did it take before you got it just right? ...or was it first time lucky? The only modification (take two?) I could suggest would be to position the phone differently so that we could see the out-of-focus model in the background in a pose echoing the one displayed on the screen.
  20. gooseberry

    Classic Nude

    No, I wouldn't say it's murky, but it doesn't stand out either.
  21. gooseberry


    The main thing I did was fixing the background and the arm was dodged and burned, sharpening was done in frequency separation no smoothing was done. Model's skin looks much smoother in the colour image, so my prime suspect would be B&W conversion (you might have jacked-up or reduced one colour too much), possibly combined with over-sharpening. Aggressive curve adjustments also can produce similar artefacts.
  22. ...not only one-eyed, but also a single breast only ;-)
  23. <p>Reckon <a href="http://topdownvideos.com/training/tone-mapping/">George Jardine's <em>Exposure & Tone Mapping</em> tutorial</a> might be insightful.</p>
  24. gooseberry


    Not sure about making math more meaningful, but more entertaining for sure! (very well scaled series;)
  25. gooseberry


    Your model's face reminded me of the actress (only in this picture though.)
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