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glenn norris

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Image Comments posted by glenn norris

  1. Jan, funny, yes the 'Waldo' is really just the boy in front - the shot just reminded me of the old 'Where's Waldo' pictures. I hope you found Jesus though! LOL - just kidding but he is there too. I am glad you like these. As for whether I stage to shots, no. This shot is probably the closest thing to a staged shot (out of all my antique shop hdr's) because the shop owner had a few empty spaces on the shelves and plenty of things hanging around on tables etc that would fit. Sometimes though there are one or two 'obvious' shot spoilers in the way that are taken out of there but for the most part I just wanted to capture the organised clutter.


    About the process, well, other than the setup and finding the correct settings in Photomatix, the usual curves, shadow/highlight and/or levels, some exposure adjustments need to be made - usually that middle setting called offset has to be lowered slightly. Noise reduction is usually necessary because hdr has issues in shadow areas. Saturation usually has to be adjusted because of issues with the cyans (sometimes they are nice.) Hdr can do crazy things at the edges, can create halos and lighting errors when dark objects are contrasted against lights (like branches silhouetted against skies.) Other than that, it is mostly a bunch of tweaking and trail and error... Each type of image has it's own problems but exterior landscapes are the worst I think.


    Anyway, sorry that there is no great easy secret techniques - mostly just hard work. Thanks for the interest though! Sincerely, Glenn


    Milos, this is an incredibly powerful image - I saw it a while ago but was not a member at the time... I am glad I found it again. The tilted perspective, the strength of the dogs... stunning, stunning work. Glenn
  2. Thank you both once again! I am really happy that you can see the amount of work involved - these are very technically demanding shots. I am happy to share with anyone about this process. I also shoot exterior house 'portraits' that are very popular with proud home owners and also with real estate agencies looking to give gifts to new home buyers. The HDR process is an incredible way to capture home details and create a dreamy image that people really seem to love. Just wanted to pass that on to any of my interested fellow photographers looking to make some extra money. Take care.
  3. Thank you Tyler... this is from my collection of interior hdr images. The 'look' that you see is the effect of toning the lighting universally across the image and also from the extra detail that comes from blending three shots exposed for a broader range of shadow to light. 'Hdr' is getting a lot of bad press these days from purists who don't consider this 'true' photography. I am trying to help people to see that there are certain types of situations that really benefit from hdr - such as these multi-light source interiors - and that hdr is really just a tool for gathering more detail in an image. You can check out my hdr album for more shots of these interiors. Thank you for your interest! Glenn
  4. Thank you Heather! You can email me and we can work out the details. The series of shots from this antique shop is being commissioned for a calendar and cards. The owner has run this amazing shop for over twenty years but has never been able to find a photographer who can capture his store until he saw my HDRs. People really slate HDR and often for good reason but this type of situation is perfect for it - there is almost no way to capture all of the detail lost in all the shadowy corners of these crazy rooms. I am really glad you like it and I am endlessly working on my technique for these shots - I would be happy to share with anyone.


    ps I just posted another shot from some sequences I worked on today...


    Take care and thank you so much. Glenn

  5. Nice HDR treatment of your living room - you handled the lighting well. If you are interested, check out my HDR album for some ideas in handling interiors with multiple light sources... Well done on this however! Oh, and thank god the dog did not move!

    Fluffy the Chick

    Thank you all for pointing out the fur - you are right of course! I have actually sold this shot as an 8x10 and as a 11x14 - out of convenience, I leave the fur in for the 11x14 and crop it for the 8x10... kind of silly but more convenient than playing with resizing etc. THANK YOU for the comments though - much appreciated!

    Morning Mood

    HDR is great for capturing the foreground in these types of shots but the haloing around trees is very difficult to deal with. I have given up using HDR in these types of shots because I have not found a solution that does not involve a lot of tedious repair. Funny though, for all the complaints about the haloing and all the complaints people give about HDR in general, your scores look quite good...
  6. Thank you Neil... I am glad you were able to stop in to look at some of my HDR shots. Sorry bout that line on the right - that is the edge of the table I set my camera on when I snuck around to get this shot. I should have cloned it out by now...


    This is really wonderful with a great classic feel. This is one of those rare images where I feel that the photographer did not go awkwardly out of his way to hide 'vital parts' at the expense of the image as a whole. Her pose is relaxed, her face serene - everything works. (I suppose I should give some credit to the model for this too...!) The only thing that separates this from a 7/7 for me is... well, I don't know...guess that's why those 7/7's are so elusive (LOL). Take care.

    Buffy's Gone

    I will contribute - yearning is a good way to ask... I like the image plenty - the composition is great, the texturing fine... all said, I would say you have done well enough although it just seems a little flat. The image does not really incorporate a broad range of lights to darks so there is nothing that really dazzles and directs the gaze. A light source from either side and some gradients at the edges would help to direct some... Hope I have helped - good luck Mark.


    A very effective image. The texturing is well suited - especially love the two light objects on the left and the composition as a whole. Well done.


    A very lovely image with a lot of interest... I actually feel that the image is a little busy because of all the texture, including that of the clouds. I wish there was a little more of the smooth reflection to balance this. However, that being said, these are small complaints that take nothing away from the beauty here. Cheers!
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