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Image Comments posted by dlamb


    I like it. I think silhouette pictures are great. The only thing I might do different is compose it so tree is a bit off to the left instead of centered. But I am mindful that there could have been other trees or objects you didn't want in frame. Maybe a bit more blue in the sky to give it more pop. Good shot anyway.


    Like it! The rainbow really jumps out against the darker background. Normally I say crop it in closer, but with the second bow to consider, I'd say you did a good job with composition. Right place right time!


    Awesome perspective, composition and color scheme. I can easily see this as an awesome comic book background (i'm a comic book artist, so that statement is not meant to belittle your piece). I agree with above that the elves should take a look at this one.

    The Boxing Skull

    Beautiful. At first didn't know what it was, and now that I figured it out, it must have been a test of patience. It paid off. The smoke really does look like a boxing skull! Very original.


    I know we are supposed to say what we like about the shot, and dislike. There is nothing I don't absolutely love about this picture. The timing is impeccable, and the sharpness is stunning. One of, if not the best nature shot I've seen on this site. I can feel the water spray! 7/7

    The rice field 1

    I like the slant, and I love the angle of the shot. While I really like the way the the yellow hat balances the yellow mud, I do agree with some of the others who said the yellow is just a bit too saturated. I think a relatively slight desaturation would bring this picture 'together'. I also agree that there is something a bit too artificial about the shot; the sky doesn't quite match the rest of the picture, but I think that toning down the yellow would go a long way in resolving that as well. I like the kid, just for the fact that he occupies a spot that might be too empty without him there. Just my humble opinion. Overall, I like the picture, it really grabs your attention and stands out. Congrats!
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