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Image Comments posted by dlamb

  1. Love the composition, the 'poles' in the foreground and the village small and in the center.

    Bold choices. I also love the colors; the golden hue that permeates this piece adds to the

    dream-like vision you've presented. Your photoshop skills are incredibly impressive; I use

    photoshop quite a bit for art and some for photos, and this is far beyond anything I have

    done. My only critism is maybe you went just a bit further than what I would have liked to

    seen. I would like to see a little bit more realism in the piece. Some of the other pics in

    your portfolio have a bit more of the original flavor of the photo. Just to state: I'm not a

    traditionalist in any sense of the word, but if I didn't know this was a photo, I may

    mistaken it for an oil painting, or a photo of one. Beyond that, I still think its remarkable

    skill you've shown here.


    Looks like a translucent space ship!. It actually looks like many different things at once, which I think makes for good abstract. Good piece!


    Thanks John. Your mention of the exposure is especially appreciated since I just started experimenting with exposure. I've seen these blinds a thousand times, and one day they just seemed interesting; maybe the suns position in the sky made for nice angles.

    Withered Fruit

    Good call as far as the brightness of the leaves go. I'm taking your advice and giving that a shot. These are small peppers that remained red long after the plant had died. Thanks for constructive critisism! I'll send you a pic of the result of your critique.


    Beautiful shot! Both tranquil and energetic. The composition in regards to the source of the ripples is perfect. Even the placement of what I believe is reflected white clouds draws attention to the center point of the shot. Nice.


    I really like this! Great colors and design. Not always into pics manipulated this way, but this certainly works. A very 'quantum' feel to it, if that makes sense.
  2. I really enjoy the lines of perspective in this shot, and agree with John about the smoke. It almost links itself to the round air ducts in foreground; just because everything else is lines. One way to fix the tilt is to just rotate the canvas a few degrees counter-clockwise in photoshop, and crop. If you have already cropped to make this image, i would probably go back to original image to rotate and crop; just because some objects are already close to the edge, and you wouldn't want to cut into the air ducts and smoke. I am a simple comic book artist in truth, but being interested in many things, I really appreciate both of your running dialogue. The subject fascinates me. Thanks!





    Thanks for the comments guys. These type of macro pics of bubbles and such are pretty common on this site, but they are alot of fun. I still love taking these pictures, and still love seeing these type pics from others on photonet. Both your portfolios are beautiful and very interesting! I will stop by for some closer examination of your works. Regards




    I thought the eye crossing thing was just me! Yeah, I guess when all is said and done, this is a bit of a strain on the eyes. Interesting effect at least. My apologies for any discomfort ;)
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