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Posts posted by stevenseelig

  1. I purchased this lens in early December of 2007 and was initially was

    disappointed in it performance. Nontheless I continued to use it for reasons

    that are not entirely clear, other than I could not believe I had spent that

    kind of money and was not 100% happy with it.


    But what is really strange is about mid January, I felt like the lens

    performance was improving and I think it is still improving in mid February.


    Mostly, I believe the sharpness and clarity are improving.


    Sadly I do not have any quantitative tests.. only my subjective impression.

    Having said that ..and now my question.... is there a technical/scientific

    reason related to manufacturing of the lens & its coatings, that the

    performance of a lens would actually improve with aging a bit... sort of like a

    fine wine?


    Hoping someone who understands and knows lens MFG might chime in.


  2. I sell picture on my website (www.printroom.com/pro/e2photo) and I have tried all common

    ways to lift the pictures from the site and have not be able to do so. Based on that

    experience there seems to be technology available that would make thief of images more

    difficult and I wonder whether PN would be willing to evoke such technologies.


    If someone can lift an image from that site, I would great appreciate knowing that it is

    possible. Steven

  3. I use a wt3a transmitter to my macbook pro 2.33, but I only transfer files via FTP to a folder

    on the drive, and then import with Aperture Hot Folder into Aperture. I am using 10.4.11. I

    have not had any problems

  4. Other than a longer delay possible problem, have there been any other nagging

    problems...the couple of comments regarding focus noted....



  5. I have read as much as I can find on the D3, and what I find is generally pretty positive. I am wondering if

    people have had problems or difficulties. I have heard that AF on the D300 might have had some

    problems on some cameras.....both the problem reports on the D3 have been very quiet.



  6. I just down loaded the D3 manual and I am curious as to how people are adjusting the focal

    point on the lens in a systematic fashion. Are you using a focus board of some type...taking

    an image, making another adjustment, taking an image... or some other method?



  7. DOF is not symmetrical around the focal point with subjects closer to the camera will have more loss of focus than subjects and equal distance behind the focal point. So if you can not use a smaller aperture, I would tend to focus on someone a bit closer to me, trying to take advantage of the DOF asymmetry. The benefit will be small, but could be worthwhile. steve
  8. Josh....From what I can tell, you have worked very hard at keeping the system clean and that is appreciated. And as I had suspected the rating system with all it's difficulties has value to PN and their clients. ("there are twice as many who love it.")


    I am curious as to plans to "improve things" and whether you are willing at least to some degree to share those ideas? I am also curious as to things tried and failed, and reasons for failure.


    If PN was interested, I would volunteer my time to help (assuming that I could really do something--not a computer guy, but like working on complex datasets)...I think there is a good chance PN has already considered and rejected most alternative approaches, but that is hard to judge.


  9. "Community requires participation, and too few people are willing to participate beyond the "nice shot" level. Only by creating a community of individuals to whom giving and getting meaningful critiques will we ever get past the constant complaints about ratings and the rating system. "


    I agree...


    But if the how people use the rating system is flawed, which I accept, what is the penality for getting rid of it to PN? Put in another way, what is PN resistance to simply removing the rating system, assuming there is resistance.

  10. I appreciate that ratings don't mean very much, at least on PN. If that statement were true, why not get rid of them? What would happen to PN and PN usage, if the ratings system simply disappeared? If nothing, then get rid of it entirely. If there is a concern of PN usage if ratings disappear, then there is some value to them and an effort should be made to fix it. Just a thought....


    On the other hand, I think I will watch the critique form for the mindless 3/3 rater(s)activity and simply not upload while they are around...

  11. Tonight, I again received the mandatory 3/3 rating of a single individual so I decided to look at the ratings

    in pictures in the Critique form which proceed my picture and which followed my picture. Many of them

    much better than mine. Much to my surprize all of them (about 20 in a row) had a single 3/3 rating. The

    probability of this happening by random chance is extremely low.


    It seems like there was a single individual sitting online and handing out 3/3 ratings to every picture that

    is uploaded. And since there was no comment as to a new user rating, this individual is not new.


    It is sad that photo.net allows for anonymous ratings. If you rate, you should attach your name to it.

  12. Can the card be reformated? What symptoms are you experiencing? Seem excessive to me. I use both Lexar and SanDisk cards. How are you reading the cards. I had a card reader that was corrupting my CF cards, but they could be reformated.
  13. I would have to agree with Luis A above. I would prefer to have an expansion of the EV range over more megapixels. I will eagerly await the noise reports on the D3/D300 at higher ISO. The D200 noise above 300-400 ISO is bothersome, forcing me to use flash when I would rather not.
  14. I use the Visible Dust by Artic Butterfly. I have used a couple of times in the past with good

    "success" This time, I have a dust particle which is a bit more difficult, but I am not sure I am

    getting to it as cleanly as I should...hence the location question. I was pretty sure things

    were flipped but was not 100%...now I am more confident as to where the dust particle is

    located so I can make sure I pass over it. Thanks Steven

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