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Image Comments posted by regis

  1. Doug

    It was a main point to have this tree in the centre. I wanted this composition to look like an actor playing on a scene with audience looking at him - but this is just my idea of it. Thanks for your comment.

    Cheers - Piotr

  2. I know, I know - you must be really bored seeing that tree again,

    but when I first saw this scene in real, this rocks location and

    clouds formation - pointing directly at the ?soloist? ? then I knew

    what picture title and composition would be. You may not believe

    about colours ? but it?s truly pure nature. Please see the larger



    Very nice photo. I love the rock texture in the foreground and the sun position in the upper right corner works really good here. The only thing that worries me is the horizon line. It looks a bit distorted and tilted to the right.



    Hmm - honestly I don't know what is so exciting about this shot to rate it 7/7. I agree that the the composition is nice but the overall quality is far from excellent. First of all it has some weird dark regions - looks like the photo has been stitched from several shots, taken at different exposures, and stitching program screw up the matching process. The sky is also underexposured with some nasty vignetting visible (that I personally hate). The Moon is a nice addition but it's hardly visible and there's not enough space around it. Besides it's a good composition with pleasant light.


    Don't take this critique as an attack - it's just some advice how to improve your work.





    Burano Dusk


    Simply amazing shot David - everything is superb here.

    I can't stop looking at it :)


    Just a quick question - is it a HDR image or you managed to pull it all out from one (mentioned) single exposure ? I guess it must have been some kind of HDR/DRI as the Moon with 10secs of exposure would have been totally overexposed.


    PS. What kind of a RAW processing software do you use ?

  3. Glen Etive, Scotland. Taken on a really frosty morning last weekend.

    I decided to express the mood of that day by using some really cold

    colours. The colour version simply doesn't work for me. Feel free to

    express your opinions.

  4. The clouds are indeed very interesting but you didn't have to exaggerate with saturation and post-processing here. Now it doesn't look much real to me, but apparently people on this site like fairy-tale images :)
  5. I know it's a very typical view of one of the most recognisable

    mountains in UK, but even though I think that every scene here can

    be unique ヨ and everything depends on the most crucial thing -

    light. On my way to this place I encountered some snow flurries. The

    visibility was really poor, but eventually it cleared for a while

    and sun reflected the mountain top, covered with snow clouds. I

    chose this split-tone conversion as in my opinion it represents the

    mood of that place much better than the colour version. Technical

    information: the photo was made of 3 exposures (with 2EV step), as

    my tries with graduated filters simply didnメt look good enough.

    Finally - conversion to split-tone, sharpening and simple framing at

    the end. Hope you'll like it.

    "Clach Leathad"


    It's been said that the mood of the Scottish landscape depends on

    the weather more than anywhere else on Earth. And Rannoch Moor is

    probably the most extreme example of that. There is no doubt that

    Rannoch Moor is one of my favourite locations in Scotland. It gives

    so many photographic opportunities that every single time I'm there

    is unique. This time the weather was really great - not even a

    single cloud on the sky. Honestly - I prefer more "dramatic"

    conditions, but I can't complain :) People usually take photos from

    around nearby A82. I wanted something else - that's why I went much

    further into the moor this time. I found this place, with a nice

    frozen water in the foreground. Immediately I knew I wanted it in a

    square format. I took two vertical shots with a longer focal length

    (to emphasise the distant mountain) and stitched them together. I

    used 0.6 GND HE filter, CPL and a tripod. Virtually no post-

    processing was done here (just a minor level adjustment). Please see

    the Larger version. Your comments much appreciated.

    "Dusk at Elgol"


    Loch Scavaig with majestic Black Cuillins in the distance. Taken

    early in the morning, when first rays of Sun illuminated mountain

    slopes. Stitched from 5 photos. Please see the larger version !!!

    Your comments/critiques much appreciated.

  6. Henri


    I know it may sound a bit weird,

    but my exif information clearly says :


    2006-07-14 23:47:06


    and I'm sure about the clock settings :)


    This is the beauty of far-north places (in the summer-time of course)


    Regards - Piotr

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