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Image Comments posted by cham


    lovely image... the light ray looks as though it's coming down from the sky to light the car! if the road was longer i could see this in the new volvo catalogue!



    i disagree i think the photo works because the guy's face isn't completely between the fingers... it adds a bit more of a mysterious element to it


    such a great concept though nice shot!



    i think as an architectural photo it doesn't work because of the human element but then as a candid/street style of photo was what you were going for I love it. the top escalator all the people are pretty much doing the same thing...


    the other one the one thing that strikes me is the lady in the middle who instead of looking straight foward is looking up

    The Pharaoh

    great photo, i know how difficult it is to get a good shot in the egyptian section of the british museum and the composition of the photograph gives a real sense of power in this effigy.

    Fading Freedon

    I love the meaning behind the photo... even before i read your comment about it. without getting too political I think this could be used in a stock library for years to come....
  1. One of the first photos i took when i went over to digital was similar to this at the other end of the thames... http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=4709079


    it's a nice spot though although the tower and the street lights are a little over-exposed.


    best way around this is to close the aperture up a little. the light will then over expose with a star pattern like...




    also shoot in raw because if you underexpose any part of it you can rescue this by adjusting it afterwards.


    but the lead into to the pictures is good although i can't help thinking i would have liked to have seen more of the water or more of the tower...

    Greater Flamingo

    Great capture!! love the use of depth of field to outline the head and neck, adn the pink against the colour of the water is a good contrast... The pose of the flamingo makes it look like it's skipping around on the water for a bit of fun!
  2. I thought i'd comment because i know how frustrating it is to post something trying to improve only to have people rate good/bad without letting you know why...


    anyway... i love the lighting etc but i think there are a few things that could be changed.


    i know that big ben is not an easy subject to take, believe me i've tried so many times... but you do have a very original viewpoint from here so i like that... however i would have either used a smaller aperture or focused on clock face so that the eyes would lead to that focus point.


    I can't find anyuthign wrong with the exposure its spot on, the camera looks as though it was slightly tilted to the right but i think this is just a case of the way it was positioned. with a central focus point and lead in line i would have tried to make each side as symmetrical as possible so i would crop part of the left, and the two parts of the gate are such a contrast i would have cropped them out...


    apart from that great photo... if you get a good night shot of westminster abbey let me know... i'm still working on that!

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