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'A Winter Night Stroll'


Tripod / Aperture F11 / Shutter 8 seconds / No Flash / Manual Mode / Exposure Compensation 0.0 / Minumim Levels, Contrast & Saturation adjusted

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Okay it has its flaws but I'm only a beginner and by posting this

hopefully I'll gain a few tips to gain a better image than the one

above. Please your comments are important. Thank you

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One of the first photos i took when i went over to digital was similar to this at the other end of the thames... http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=4709079


it's a nice spot though although the tower and the street lights are a little over-exposed.


best way around this is to close the aperture up a little. the light will then over expose with a star pattern like...




also shoot in raw because if you underexpose any part of it you can rescue this by adjusting it afterwards.


but the lead into to the pictures is good although i can't help thinking i would have liked to have seen more of the water or more of the tower...

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really like this shot mate... i agree the overexposed street lamp is a little distracting shame... def worth shooting this one again... this cobbled part of London is world famous and has put pay to many a London Marathon runners attempts... although they now carpet some of this area! You could try a few techniques to tackle this... ND Grads? or shoot it twice and blend the images? Would be nice to see some detail of the lamp as these old cast iron beasts go hand in hand with ye olde cobble stones! just need a bit of good old fashioned Fog or Smog to give it that Holywood feel of London... cor blimey guvnor eh miss mary poppin's! I'll bring the smoke machine next time... and some jellied eels for afters with a nice cuppa rosie lee!



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Gareth and Ewan thank you for the time and effort you both spent on commenting on my image.


I've re-worked and played with exposure compensation to rescue the details in the street lamp and Tower of London building. I had this set at 17mm and I agree with you that the wider angle would have added more to the scene with the river life and colour. I have a set of ND grads and will def use them next time plus some damn good gloves and hat. It was seriously cold that night.


Appreciate your guidance gents.


All the best




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