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Image Comments posted by cham

  1. i love it... although i think maybe using a slightly smaller aperture wouldn't have killed off the people so much... i don't mind them being out of focus i think it might just be too much...


    the picture i think would have worked well if the guy in the white was singled out as the people are so seperated that the eye doesn't tend to lead in and the white shirt really draws the eye to him through the pumpkins



    makes me think of pirates of the carribean for some reason... but i love it, and i think the empty space at the bottom helps to put the spotlight in context
  2. i was suppose to be there again in july but couldn't go...


    then i was supposed to go again last month and still haven't been able to get out there... I'm so glad someone is out there capturing what i want to...


    i love these type of photo's but i would suggest the opposite, maybe turn it into a portrait panoramic... i haven't seen that done before...

    Toned By Nature


    I used to post on devianart as well and i stopped for the same problems you had. but i don't find your copyright text too instrusive to be honest.


    just out of interest how long was the exposure on this image?


    looks great and is very creative... i suppose so many people are trying to make beautiful images with complex subjects but this really catches the eye... simple and brilliant! thanks for sharing!
  3. I love this image because it says a lot without saying much at all... is she stretching? is she looking out of the window or something else? it's the kind of picture that works so well because it leaves you hungry for wanting to see more like a good film would.


    the shot jumps out at you the lighting is what i'm experimenting with now (not for nudes though) and i have to admit i have yet to be this successful. The composition does make her look tiny


    The idea and composition is great but i would maybe add a reflector on the bottom left and diffuse the light so make the hotspot less prominant

    Fog in Pian grande

    It looks like the mist is trying to crawl up the hillside and this coupled with the diagonal line of the hill just makes what could be a normal landscape picture a dynamic one great work!
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