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Posts posted by gale

  1. I read a book once from an author I have forgot his name, but he basically, said that he did not buy the best glass money could buy only to put a filter on the end of it. HE said you should only use a filter if you can verbally argue that it is nessesary for the shot.


    I seldom shoot with filters. PL filters can get you into trouble with too dark and un natural skys. It can help a weak sky but it is better in my book to wait for better tone in the sky the natural way, by the sun's position.


    my .02



  2. 90% of a sucessful photo is the glass. With poor glass, no film or megapixel has a chance. A 7000 dollar digital SLR is no better than a point and shoot unless one uses great glass.


    This is why I have stayed with FD for so long. Even so, some FD's are better than others.


    I don't hate digital nor to I participate in digita vs. film arguments. IN our local photo club, us film shooters make up less than half the club and I am the only FD shooter.



  3. I still shoot FD Canon gear almost exclusively unless I shoot FL lenses. My wife and I must have a half dozen AE-1's and Programs (Which by the way is a great camera and there are fix-it kits out there which fix squeaky mirrors). We have fixed several and they are quiet and once again wonderful cameras.


    A-1's are gems indeed. Mine shoot all my high speed B&W stuff like 1600 Neopan or 3200 T max of Ilford 3200. The LED readout in the view finder helps in low light shooting situations that come with indorr non flash photography.


    F-1n's are bullet proof as can be and I agree with an above post stating the F-1 will still be running strong when film is long dead (Heaven forbid) My F-1 w/ AE Finder was made in the 80's and though brassed and ugly and slightly dented, it is my main camera for shooting color Slide film. All I have done to it is new seals.


    I have no experience w/ T 90's or 70's. I hear T90's can begin to give grief from sticky mirrors. But then again, I hear so much crap about anything ever made, I am not sure what to beleive.


    AS an Canon FD collector, I think a T90 is a must to round out the collection....which doesn't sit on the shelf, but gets used.



  4. We've been shooting some of the new Velvia 100 (not F) and I think it has good color. My wife uses it for much of her MAcro shooting. The grain is fine, as fine as 50 as far as I can see from the high res. scans from a Nikon 5000.


    Here is a recent sample from new Velvia 100:<div>00Gs5r-30466084.jpg.3623610e04fb9e25dcd23de1d641eb4f.jpg</div>

  5. I am new to this forum and I'm excited I found it as I need lots of imput from

    film shooters with everything from Film to filters to scanning and developing.


    I don't concider myself any kind of profesional but I have had a cmaera

    hanging around my neck off and on for nearly 30 years. Most of my gear is old

    and most of it is Canon FD or FL. My Wife and I are hobbiest Photographers

    who do sell some prints and ettend local shows. I am Vice President of a

    local Photo Club.


    By trade I am a Equipment Operator which pays all the bills, including bills

    generated from photography.


    I hope to learn in these forums.





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