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Everything posted by tony_lockerbie

  1. <p>Really nice camera pic Georg, the Paxina looks pretty. Next pic.</p><div></div>
  2. <p>Love the foody shots Brad...see if they look better with the Leica! A couple from me....</p><div></div>
  3. <p>Hah, good one....and I was always happy with one. When I shoot digital it takes me almost as long to delete the duds as it takes to shoot the pictures in the first place!</p>
  4. <p>Click and Clack....great names! Great set of images as usual, and you seem to have coped with the square format without any trouble. I'm still amazed at how photogenic your area is, must make all the camera try outs a real pleasure.</p>
  5. <p>What a great deal! I just sold my M2 and rigid Summicron for $600.00, so your buy is a good one. The Summarit has a bit of a collector following and will fetch more than a Summicron. If the lens has no haze or scratches then it will be a nice shooter, with a nice soft Leica glow at full aperture.<br> I always preferred the M2 because I used a 35mm lens quite a lot, and the M2 has the frames for that. Look forward to seeing some images....and don't be afraid to open it up wide!</p>
  6. <p>These are a particularly nice set of pics Rick, the Autumn light is agreeing with you. Taron cameras were quite common over here in the sixties and seventies, but they did have their problems.<br> Stilll a nice looking camera, and that F2 lens is no slouch. I must admit that all the Tarons that I have seen have had the 2.8 lens.</p>
  7. <p>Excellent Rajmohan....nice to see the Ambi working well on the other side of the planet! The lenses are great, and I particularly like the 90mm. Keep up the good work...</p>
  8. <p>Have to love the Clack, and what a great name...along with the Click! Even with this humble beast you have captured some nice light....Autumn....you have to love it!</p>
  9. <p>Aah, now that was a find...nice work Brad...and thanks for sharing!</p>
  10. <p>Welcome back from me too....although you have been back for a little while, so I may have welcomed you twice! The black "Contax" looks the business, as does the misspelled Sonnar. Just sold all my Contax cameras, but I still do have a Kiev in the cupboard....might have to get out the black spray paint :)</p>
  11. <p>Yes Marc, this is a good one....and from my birth year too! That darned photography was the downfall of us all :)<br> Funny, looking at the ads and seeing the line that everyone loves a slide show...well, it's kind of come back to that with digital images on the television screen. Thing is, we really didn't like a slide show...still don't!</p>
  12. <p>Sounds interesting Andrew, now we need a picture of and with the camera :)</p>
  13. <p>Thanks Rick, a showcase of a camera that I have no experience with at all. Paxettes seem pretty thin on this side of the pond, and it's great to see one in this condition and still working!<br> Usually the combination of old German cameras with the words "automatic" or "electronic" makes one shudder! Great to see that the Paxette is holding out.<br> I'm always amazed at the photogenic nature of your home town. You never seem to repeat yourself and keep coming up with unique images. I guess the locals must be used to you roaming about with strange old cameras.</p>
  14. <p>Love that sunrise, the Rollei pics are really nice too. A couple from me...</p><div></div>
  15. <p>Aah, box cameras, we miss our crappy camera fix since Gene M stopped posting, glad to see that you have picked up the baton Rick!<br> I for one love box cameras, there is something quite appealing about a no frills picture taker. I often wonder why people spend heaps on those Lomo things when there are plenty of interesting boxes around for next to nothing.<br> I do really like those images, they just say vintage to me and I come over all nostalgic....especially when old aircraft are involved. The light and feel of the plane in the hanger photo is quite lovely.<br> My favourite boxes are the No.2 Brownies because they take 120 film like the Synchro, and do portraits as well!</p>
  16. <p>No problem Rick, the trip was very relaxing, and I did use a Nikon F2 plus a D610 as well. Didn't take that many pics though.<br> You are right about Delta, not really convinced, and I still have a couple of rolls left so I may try it in Pyrocat.<br> Attach a picture with the D610.</p><div></div>
  17. <p>Thanks Cory. The separation has stabilized on this lens, and apart from the cosmetics, doesn't really affect the performance.</p>
  18. <p>Thanks Glen, maybe where they got the name idea :) Yes Mike, like all LS SLR's they don't like to be left sitting around. Both mine work well, even the selenium meters are spot on.<br> Thanks Bruce, the grain does surprise me too. My negs were a bit dense and that would account for the poor scans. The Delta I acquired recently and is way out of date, and because I'm not used to this film I just souped it in D76....got it a bit wrong!<br> Thanks Robin, the Septon has climbed in value, they are not often seen, and the Bessamatics are usually found with the 2.8 color-skopar....still a very fine lens.<br> Quite true Fred, they are very well made and only a sticky Compur shutter (or diaphragm) will let them down.</p>
  19. <p>Thanks for viewing. All taken with Ilford Delta 100 and developed in D76 1:1, scanned on an Epsom V700.</p>
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