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Image Comments posted by margalin


    This image is very beautiful and the colors too. I am in love with that house, with that street, that place, a lot of recollections are coming up, thanks to your pic...
  1. A long, long time ago an angel came into the city of war so he can touch me with his wing, so he can love in the way that angels love mortals. But he didn't know that here, all angels die, all of them. Outside the city was their cemetery, an enormous cemetery where white rotten wings could be seen hanging out of the wet ground. The keeper of the ground is probably the only angel that managed to survive, God knows how, so he got old taking care of the graves. Sometimes it's rained with drops of poisoning blood, sometimes with flaming arrows, only drops of pain, never the water as we know it. Here, my angel died, here where love is killed with stones. I am the blindman from the edge of a world that never ends, who cried in this city of war a love that someday, just for a moment, made me see the beautiful colour of light...

    Dedicated to Temeschwar fortress (city of war)


    The reflection's flux of this light ocean is very beautiful refined like in many other pictures by you and Tatra Mountains is a great photographical feast. Thank you, Piotr!

    Jogging In The Snow

    Dear Marjorie, the only inalienable natural gift for humans is the freedom of mind...
    In the image, a lot of ellements may be an invitation for you to fall in one wistfulness mood. Like that distant silhouette... Who is that?
    ...in this dream, the lighterman was there, doing his job as well as always in the old times, thoroughly thinking at Thomas... one very strange man. Was scared by him and by his devilish mind... In one evening, Thomas was on the way, being close, forthcoming and looking careful to the gase-lamps. These yellow bulbs were ressurected by the lighter, one by one, in the evening time of that harsh winter... At least, doing well his job, the aged lighter was ready to go home. Well, Thomas have been close to him, they shaking hands and presenting each other:
    "Sir, my name is John, lighter of the town",
    "Glad to meet you, John. My name is... Edison! I'm studying your job because I want to make it easy for you. The solution is electricity".
    "So... do you want to see my invention, the kinetoscop? You see one picture of Marjorie if you look there, that sillhouette is you, don't you?"...
  2. In that day, the darkness fell forever on the cardboard city. Moths and butterflies were dancing on the greasy window glass covered in steam, dancing devilish at the windows on wich, soon, the darkness would drip in tar tongues, in an ocean so dark that even the cathedral towers will be swollen and then, step by step, the whole town in a silent, dry and amorphous abyss... Yes, in a poisoned world, in another Venice where the carnival masks were replaced with gas masks... Malraux, I discovered what you really are. You are a disguised prophet...
  3. És azon a napon, a setétség örökre lesújtott a karton városra.

    Molylepkék és pillangók táncoltak a bepárásodott és mocskos ablak

    üvegeken, démoni táncot űzve az ablakokon, melyeket nemsokára a

    sötétség szurkos nyelve fog lecsepegtetni, egy fekete óceánba, mely le

    fogja nyelni a katedrális toronysisakját és majd azután az egész várost

    egy végtelen száraz mélységben, csendben, idomtalan... Igen, egy

    mérgezett világban, egy másféle Velencében ahol a karneváli maszkok

    helyét átvette a gázálarc... Malraux, sejtettelek. Egy álruhás próféta



    The historical reconstruction and the restoring of the composition's balance. Here I can see a very dynamic one, I think... Well done!
  4. "and the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea and the third part of the sea became blood and there died the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, even they that had life and the third part of the ships was destroyed..."
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