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Image Comments posted by kellen1

  1. Thank you very much...nice to hear that you are coming back up north! I thought of you when I shot my Philly Zoo Shots. They are in the "New Things" folder in my portfolio. ...What are the "side photos"?



    This looks like dusk... butI suppose it could be dawn as well. I think sights like this are the reason why we travel paths through the woods.

    My suggestion would be to clone and crop the left bottom corner and clone out the trail sign. Then you would just have the trees and the light.

  2. I liked the way that he was standing in a thoughtful pose. I thought it was interesting that you can see that, even though the shot is from behind. I think that I would like to crop it closer so it is just the man and the painting.

    Thanks for your encouragement, It does not go unappreciated.


    I actually posted this small size by mistake but I was in a hurry so I left it this way. I am glad that you like it. I do too and the ones I like are usually the ones that don't receive any comments.

    This area is interesting. You will see acres of open space along the highway with old abandoned houses here and there. The land has probably been purchased for development. This particular area (Lancaster, PA) seems to be developing very rapidly.

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