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Image Comments posted by ifti

    Heading Home

    EOS Mark 1Ds. Canon Raw, Lens 85mm wide open at 1.2 , ISO 100, Shutter 1/3200. No flash. Adjusted in Adobe Raw, Cropped, Sharpened, Resized, and posted.

    Love to have your comments and suggestions. Regards, Ifti



    You have done a good job here Very little distortion and sharp details. I am glad sky was not clear and bright. This turned out to be perfect timing. Regards, ifti.

  1. The sunflower in its own is a superb photograph with its color and clarity including its leaves. The mosaic floor and the sphere along with the cloudy sky makes it a very interesting composition. I wonder how will it look if sky was replaced with extending the floor all the way?  Regards, ifti.



    It is nice scene, composed in thirds and good sharp FG.  There are fall colors but picture is flat and they barely show. Histogram shows it lacks white. Simply moving the right arrow to left brighten is u. You can play with it and then add a bit of contrast.  Regards, ifti

  2. Thanks for posting the picture of the outside of the cave. When inside I am sure you saw some details of the stones on both sides with your eye may be dim as you entered the cave but after dark adaptation of your eyes you could see lot more details of inside. With this assumption I did following:


    Took the picture to PSCS3, made a copy (Cont-J) selected it and made adjustment in levels.  There i very little histo on the white side and lot of black clipping. I moved the right pointer to left till I saw good details of the stones, that was at 121.  Selected the same layer and Alt-click quick mask. That gave me a mask filled with black. Took a large soft brush and painted the dark stones with white to reveal the details.  Flattened the layers. The right side is still totally dark.

    Made another copy (Contrl-J) Selected the copy and in levelels now I moved the central pointer to left till I saw some details in the stones on the right. It was 246. Again alt-quick mask and painted with white brush on the left to reveals the stone details. Flattened the image. Now I have fair details on the left wall and few on the right.

    Play with it and see if you like it. 

    Foggy Fall


    Nice depth with fog and dreamy  distant mountain. Foreground is clear ans sharp with fall colors although not fully ripe as yet. Composition is perfect thirds. Regards, ifti.

  3. Very good picture of the older gentleman with sharp focus and good details of his feature, including reflection of the photographers legs. The BG is very distracting for its content and the blown out highlights. A Close crop will rescue the portrait somewhat. Pay special attention to BG when clicking. Regards, ifti 



    This is an amazing idea and perfect composition, The strong shadows add to the drama. you have proven that at times parts are better than the whole. Regards, ifti.

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