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Image Comments posted by jcg23

  1. Hi Simon


    This is a really beautiful image, I love the dynamic feel created with the barley heads, akin to your liking of water movement on the shore. The light is very dramatic and I like the way you have taken the trees to almost silhouettes. Digital users sometimes have a tendency to treat everythingh like a HDR image and lose mood in the process. So I suppose what I am saying is that it has a film like quality. The golds and browns are lovely.


    Best regards



    The Knave II


    I have modified this image using a later capture where the light

    enabled better separation of the 'The Knave' and 'Horse cliff'.

    A wonderful scene to photograph in the Gower peninsula.

    School chair


    Taken in a abandoned school, Iceland. The use of the black border to

    co-incide with the black frame is intentional.. hopefully providing

    confusion about which part of the image is in or out of the frame.

  2. Absolutely beautiful, okay so the sky is blown but that still doesn't detract for me.

    Panos usually lack compositional substance but this is really effective and has a wonderul dynamic sweep to it. A very original viewpoint as well.

    . How do you cope with blending, I haven't done many but I have obvious tonal differences in the stitiches in my panos.



    Hi David,


    You have revealed a lovely rhythm in this tangle of trees, I appreciate how difficult woodland scenes are to make effective compositions with, and you have worked wonderfully well with this subject. The repeated patterns of the rocks really provide a wonderful foil for the sinous branches, almost an imperceptible extention of stone into wood as both are covered with soft green moss and lichen.

    The mist really adds something by softening and removing distracting detail in the background and providing mood and a sense of timeless mystery. Its wonderful to think that we could be loooking at a scene from thousands of years ago.


    After reading posters comments.....I can't understand the need to have high contrast images all the time.. just because photoshop can do this doesn't mean it is appropriate, the soft light and mist subdue the colours and so I feel it should remain thus.


    Thanks for this.. must visit this location and explore too.


    Best regards Jane

    On the Edge*


    This is a very beautiful image, I love the limited colour pallette and the repeated shapes of sinous dead wood and half revealed rocks and snow forms.

    These themes confer a lovely feeling of harmony to the image.



    Blair christmas


    Maybe I should explain why I have a ambiguous response and had the night to think about. Its nice enough but not fabulous and here are my feelings why.

    I am not sure if the aim of the image was to evoke a feeling of calm and timelessness. A wonderful stillness of an image can sometimes grab the viewer and hold them in some trance like state. I find the restlessness of the trees on the right and left detracts from this kind of effect.

    Why am I not taken up with the mood of the image? It is relatively dully lit with a pretty pink sky. It does not grab my soul. There is no play of light on the elements within the image which I find the most important part of landscape photography. I find the space in the centre rather vacuous due to its lack of texture and play of light. The composition takes me and dumps me there. My eyes are stuck behind the railings with no where else to explore. The large white foreground, lake and sky seem to lack a certain cohesion and are not as harmonious as they could be. The composition has too much of an awkward feel to make it a really wow landscape photograph for my tastes.



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