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Image Comments posted by jcg23

  1. Taken in an old Gaol on the Isle of anglesey, the light was fabulous,

    I moved some objects about for this capture, I liked the light on the

    basket in the background and the washboard particularly. I encouraged

    my son to stay still during the 1sec exposure, which is never easy.

    Camera on tripod.

    Porth nenvan


    Hi I took advantage of the subdued lighting during this wet autumn day.

    Despite being early afternoon, it was possible to capture some mood because of the

    overcast sky.

  2. Hi, I enjoyed the glancing light hitting the face of my son in this little alcove. I was

    going for a symetrical feel here with the body position and archway. I subdued the

    colour for a more moody feel.

    Helping Grandma


    you know it really p**s me off when this kind of image garners 3/3....


    This image has some wonderful qualities, of colour and form and also vibrancy...


    There are many ideas here that leave the viewer thinking.. The playfulness of the child, her love of life and joy, such a stark contrast to the the static nature of the grandparent.

    Very good that you had the bright reflected light from the newspaper to lighten up the face of the grandma.. the light is harsh from the window but it doesn't overly bother me...


    how does it work in black and white?


    best regards




  3. Hi,


    This is a powerful image and I am really enjoying the blaze of orange/green in the image which contrasts with the steely grey and monochrome feel. There is no explanation for the grey streak which raises interesting questions for the viewer. Very enigmatic piece...


    Best regards



  4. Hi Chris


    Well it is beautiful, beautifully simple and the limited tones really work for me.. I was wondering if longer shadows and softer light may have even worked better. But I think we had better things to do than stay all day looking at this rusty oil tank....


    I can confirm that Chris has not altered the image much from reality as I was standing by him when he took it....

    In contrast Chris is quite happy to let his film choice do all the manipulating when shooting with a large format camera :)







  5. This is so beautiful.


    The sweeping clean lines of the metal structure contrasts so well with the irregular and soft cloud formation. The steel grey and blue are both cool colours and the soft reflection of the blue into the grey of the steel and the shades of grey in the clouds provide cohesion to the image. Although one feels that a strong vertical line from top to bottom might impart a static feel to the image, the bright circular cloud shapes seem to transport th eye around the scene


    The thin line of white along the razor edge of this monolith highlights the line of this metal form but suprisingly the gentle curves impart a graceful feel to the object which seems to sympathise with undulating lines of the cloud shapes.



    moving rock


    Thanks for the comments...


    I wasn't sure how to approach this amazing phenomenon....it was an erie atmsophere on the race track.. it felt

    very empty and lonely (despite my husbands presence), there was also a feeling of encroaching time due to the

    need to get back along the very rough track before dark.....

    I felt somehow I wanted to capture some of this feeling.. and being present within the large expanse of the

    playa which I thought was achieved using the wide angle....The 14mm lens also felt like it was working for me

    while shooting as it exaggerated the wonderful cracked earth. I experimented with lower and higher viewpoints,

    with this image, the lens was only a few feet or less off the ground and I was scrabbling around on my knees. It

    gave a more

    intimate feeling of the cracked earth... I was only a few feet away from this stone but again the distance is

    exaggerated and I liked that effect. I did have more close up images and others further away, used standard WA

    but they just didn't provide the surreal affect. I must admit though I didn't pick this image as my favourite

    until I converted to black and white, it was then that the image really worked. So I wasn't able to see the

    potential of the image in capture at the time.. It was in the quiet of the digital dark room that I surveyed my

    different approaches and chose what worked the best. This approach reflected my inexperience but I still would

    say I haven't matured enough as a photographer to only take a few captures of a given scene, I still have to take

    a selection and chimp at the results, before deciding on a final vewpoint that really excites me... I have spent

    some time over the last year with some large format photographers ( David Ward, Chris Andrews, Nigel Halliwell

    and others) who amaze me how they can decide on 1 exposure that encapsulates their feeling about the scene in

    front of them.. These guys suggest that I spend more time exploring the landscape with my eyes and less time

    looking at the LCD but my ability to see without the camera has definately improved as I gain more experience.



  6. I loved the muted tones of this image and was really drawn to the dark

    empty space in the image with the ladder strangely protuding into the

    exterior. This is a abandoned herring factory with an untold history

    in the north of Iceland.

    moving rock


    This was one of the first set of landscape images that I shot. I had been scouring the photo websites looking at what other

    phootgraphers had been doing with landscape and decided to extend a family holiday to a trip to DV in 2006 to explore this

    genre, I had just purchased the 5D and was experimenting with different compositions and lenses as I was not confident

    with what kind of approach would be successful. It was fortunate that it was a overcast day which added to the surreal

    mood. I agree the post processing leaves a bit to be desired as this was posted while was still becoming familiar with

    photoshop skills. Landscape photography is still a genre that excites and challenges me and this image is still thought of with


    Hopefully this later processing might be an improvement, although the sky still llooks a little blown. the raw is okay, so the

    image still requres more work



    Best regards



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