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Image Comments posted by jcg23



    Hi Thanks for your input, critique is always welcome


    The portrait posted was from a family photo shoot, during a 2 hour period walking in the woods, all the lighting is natural, I try and find places where the ilght is working for me as I know this location well. I appreciate there is a distracting light element in the left corner and have actually toned this down already, but still working on it for the print


    I appreciate the full on body pose is not good and try to avoid it ... I asked Alice to turn towards me, she was turning around and this was the best expression of the series so I went for this one. I should have moved myself a bit quicker... Its definately a sharp learning curve on location, its about moving fast and thinking quickly, I wonder if I should soften the right shoulder to balance the left?



    You points are well taken I do have a different opinion on the point below


    The family wanted to dress casually and like many young middle class british girls doesn't wear a lot of make-up, she is only 16.

    I advised co-ordinating colours between the family members and they achieved this very well but wouldn't go so far as to recommend make-up. So for me and the family I think the 'before' look is what we were going for.

    British people for you!



    Thanks Jane





    Taken on a family shoot, the overcast lighting and my 85L at f1.2 both

    made good contributions to this image. Thanks to mum for colour

    coordinating Ellis even down to her little bunnie.

  1. Hi,


    Taken after a sleep-over at my friend's house, the kids went along to

    the park before going home, I got the boys to do a 'survivors' photo

    in a location I love for its soft light and interesting backdrop. I

    wish you could see it at higher resolution as there is some lovely

    detail in here.

  2. Taken in Berlin, such wonderful architecture that is great source of

    abstract shapes. I enjoyed the juxtaposition of the tree, the long

    focal length gave me the flat planes that I think enhance the surreal

    feel to this composition.

  3. Taken in run down street in Berlin, I spent some time capturing

    reflections in the grubby window. Most people thought I was slightly

    unhinged others just tried to ignore my antics.. I came up with this...

  4. I was visiting Berlin on business and spent some time in the holocaust

    memorial. In fact I visited it three times over my 5 day stay. A

    wonderful work, it evokes many different responses. Although not

    directly connected by blood or country to the victims, I feel

    connected to the incident by being a member of mankind, lessons never

    seem to be learnt though (race hatred and race slaughter still

    continues in our world).


    I was very taken with the children in the monument as they explored

    the environment...... it is a captivating place.. the

    children/teenagers just enjoyed the experience of being within it,

    which was not unexpected...but thought provoking


    I noticed cracks in some of the monoliths and wondered if these might

    also be useful in the image to use as a metaphor for questioning

    whether there is a loss of relevance of the holocaust to people of

    this new age. . so I added a second crack to the monolith on the right

    to strengthen the idea.. the cracks don;t jump out at once but I

    prefer the subtlety.. but interested in your thoughts


    I have blown the highlights in the sky on purpose.. to add a feel of

    'a higher place' to the image, capturing the detail in the background

    just didn't have the same strength..I found this little girl the

    strongest subject due to her 'Arian' features.

    Family matters


    I really like this,


    Great colour and shapes and interesting interactions.


    I think a lot of the photo.net crowd don't appreciate a good image unless it is manipulated to an inch of its life...so ignore the mark you achieved..









    You put together an interesting composition with a powereful narrative and the lighting is great, ( it appear slightly cramped on the left , just slightly though).


    I do however feel that you have gone overboard with your message here, less is more as the saying goes. Obviously to get the attention of the photo.net crowd something like this has immediate impact and is very effective ( well it got my attention didn't it). I was thinking whether you might also like to think about how you might go about making an image with more subtlety, it would be interesting to see, maybe leaning towards to the ideas of the dutch masters of still life who conveyed meanings of life and death, mortaility, though various visual meataphors.


    Anyway I really enjoyed seeing this








    I am really like this portrait, the lady has a certain dignity and is not afraid of your camera which also lends it a very natural feel. The only thing that hurts the image is the bright white of the towel, could you bring the highlights back a bit on the towel, so it doesn't dominate the scene.



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