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richard glover

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by richard glover

  1. Great fun! I love the moment that this captures. So playful. My only suggestions would be to consider toning down the orange marker in the background. It's prominence really pulls my eye to it. I think just lowering it's saturation would imrove this image. Really nice work!


    Really excellent work! I love the bold, vibrant colors in this, and the way that the eyes of the man and chicken are both on the same plane.

    Waterschei 23

    Excellent! Really great tonalities in this, and wonderful composition, with the light falling thru the windows on the right third, and being very effective at leading the eye into the rest of the frame. Good job!
  2. I like this image quite a bit. It has a very dynamic and graphic feel to it. I enjoy the power lines, which add to the feel, to my eye, and of course the blurred pedestrians.


    The only thing that bothers me a bit is that the bottom seems to end a bit abruptly. What do you think about adding a bit of black at the bottom? I'm not sure if it's an improvement or not.




    Very, very nice! I love the moment you've caught here, with the open mouth of the camel, silhouetted against the sun.


    The only thing I don't especially care for is the slightly soft vegetation in front of the camel. I think if you cloned those few bits out, it make this even stronger, in my opinion.


    Very nice work!



    This is nice, Chuck. I really like the out of focus background, and the soft pinks in the background make the sharp purple/blues really pop as well. I do think that the tall stem at the right third draws too much attention to itself, and I would be tempted to clone it out.


    Nice work.

    The Path

    I enjoy the photograph. It has very nice tonality, and I really like the way the path leads your eye into the image. I'm not crazy about the frame, especially if this was taken on a digital as the details state. I just don't see the need to artificially link it to film in this way. But the image itself is quite nice!


    Really nice work! Those large blue eyes and those red red lips really make this image jump. Wonderful use of depth of field, as well. Nicely done.
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