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Posts posted by markok765

  1. yea, i bought this film for extremely fine grain and im going to toronto tommorow and i will buy a gallon sized bottle and some d76. rodinal is good for specific things, like portraits and i will shoot a roll tommorow and develope it in d76. i dont like xtol because it had 2 different mixing things. powder mixing is hard enough for me, after all im only 13.


  2. hello everyone. ive took my pentaxx to a company open house(opentext) and ive printed some 8x10's and i find the grain really fine. i developed at 68F rated at 200 and developed rodinal 1:50 9 min

    So i think i will stick with rodinal. ps where can i buy some more rodinal. ive found it on amazon.com



  3. no KL iX, i do have acess to different films and developers. im actually thinking to put some tmax 100 in my bag.i wont switch because i like rodinal and thats what came when i bought a set of enlarger, chemicals trays relld and everything. plus my uncle milomir kovacevic. says stay with one thing until you get used to it thats why 1 only use 2 slrs. ps get a leica m7 best camera in the world!


  4. Hello,

    I have processing for 4 months now and ive run out of fixer.

    what rapid liqurd fixer do you use or recomend. i would like yo get

    some new agfa agefix, but my local henreys, i live in canada, only

    stocks koak and ilford products. also what is the differance between

    hardenight and non-hardening fixer. what are the advantages of each one?


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