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Image Comments posted by process


    I think the one on the right is good. Seems to me there's no reason for the subject to be so visible in the left one if the center of interest is the building.
  1. Yo le quitaria las torres de comunicacion y dejaria solamente la fachada del edificio. El edificio y sus colores envian un mensaje de solidez y grandeza, las torres aparte de ser un elemento totalmente moderno se ven ligeras y no complementan al edificio.
  2. This is one for the more technically-inclined. I came upon a shower

    which had last seen running water at least 10 years ago and noticed an

    image which is still spinning in my head. On the wall of the shower,

    perfectly centered and placed, was what had once been an electrical

    fuse box. Most people probably don't give it a second look, but to me,

    it looks like a concept straight out of one of those modern gore films.


    I like it... the skin gives a real interesting feel: a real dynamic struggle between looking artificial and natural. What kind of filters/adjustments did you apply?



    The picture feels a little cluttered, I would blur the background a bit to get more focus on the subject. And that arm sticking out in the upper right corner has got to go...


    The light's really nice on the shot BTW.

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