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Image Comments posted by process

    The kiss


    Brings back memories of that A-Ha video from the 80s


    I like this one a lot better though, keeping the solid figure in B/W really helps to tie everything together!

  1. I think one of the greatest details in the image is the light reflection on the wood. What might have otherwise been a dark, hard to see area in the photograph has been turned into another detail you can explore. And you've managed to keep the orange from city lamps to a minimum, only visible in the image highlights. It's no wonder people argue whether the image is CGI or not... care to such details is hard to find in the real world!
  2. I like the lamp on the left side. Had that not been there, you probably wouldn't have as clear an idea of the emergency room theme.


    I did a series on a similar abandoned sanatorium theme a few weeks back, if you like that subject:



    fright house


    Nothing frightening here I'm afraid. The walls, the deck and the picnic tables are just too clean and neat... it just doesn't say "fright".


    The picture, however, just screams "forest fire". If you turn down the greens a bit, you can really take advantage of the orange sky in the background.

    Dura Mirada


    Mas que dolor me parece que inspira ansiedad o expectativa, por la posici�n de los ojos y la cara. Normalmente el dolor se traduce en una posici�n mas baja de los ojos y un relajamiento de los labios y la mandí¢µla.


    La textura de la piel me parece que está ­uy bien, ese detalle ayuda muchí³©mo al mensaje de la foto.


    Communication II

    Wonderful photo. Maybe I would turn up the reds/yellows a little bit to give the photo more energy. The large amount of blue tones doesn't really inspire the energetic mood of the fighting theme.
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