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Posts posted by scooter0071

  1. Ok first off I indicated by this statement "(wait they didn't pay anything)" That I am not charging. I am doing this as a hobby and the family I photographed is very happy with the results and showed to pictures to her friends at work which have contacted me to do some photots already. I never said I was a pro or knew everything there is to know.


    Second I tell everyone that I am not a pro in those exact words. I have not nor plan to any time soon charged anyone anything although after delevering the photos she did offer because she was very happy with them. I did not accept the money.

  2. Wow, Ok I didn't expect quite such harsh words Jennifer. The throw away shots I am referring to would be shots where the children in the photo would look away or put their hands up or something to that matter. The exposure of the pictures I felt was fine. I did state that I am just starting out was seeking advice I just didn't think I would get the advice to just go away. I came to photo.net because I was told it was a great group of people that can help with advice.

    Sorry to have offended, Possibly I am at a wrong site and if someone could humble themselves enough to refer me to a good advice site I would love it.

  3. I am just starting to work in studio portrait photography. Well studio

    may be strong I bought some softboxes, unbrella lights and backgrounds then

    set up in my basement. In my first family photos I shot I found when I looked

    at the pictures in Photoshop I had far more throw away shots than I did

    keepers. I am trying to comfort myself and believe in my talents but I am

    curious if this is normal to have so many bad photos. I am shooting all

    digital so its not as costly as if I had 30 rolls of film full of junk. I did

    have enough "good" photos that I could work up so the customer got what they

    paid for (wait they didn't pay anything.)In short I guess my question is, is

    it normal to have a lot of throw away shots when doing family photos. p.s. a

    baby and a toddler were involved in the shoot.


    Second question. Lets assume I did a photo shoot of someone?s child and

    when I got them into Photoshop I found that a quality shot that they would

    want to pay for just wasn?t there. Is it proper to request they return for

    another try to capture the moment or would that be too ?amateurish? and I

    should just work with what I have. I personally would rather try again to get

    a Professional photo if they are going to pay me for it.




  4. I have been asked to do senior pictures for several families who cannot afford

    to have "the big guys" take them. I will be shooting with a Nikon D50 and a

    home studio I built from several Internet sites. I feel confident I can get

    them a good product for very little money. My question here is about printing.

    I have not found where I can get photos printed with the rounded edges and

    come in the nice fancy what I call "playing card case" I am also interested in

    getting the gold stamp with my logo (to be created yet) stamped. Any

    suggestions on where I can look for this will be greatly appreciated. I am

    looking not only for this (keep it inexpensive) project but also for future

    (lets make some money) projects. Any assistance is appreciated.

  5. Question 1: I have been asked to do what I call "Pregnate Tummy" shots many

    times. I have not seen many of these shots that I like. I have looked long and

    hard over the internet to find some nice shots like this to give me some

    ideas, I have not found that shot yet. I have tried different lighting

    situations I got the best results with a difused side light. Can anyone offer

    me any suggestions or any references on the net that deal with this



    Question 2: I have been requested to take pictures for a couple who are very

    overweight. I took some non-studio shots with them to see what I could do. I

    had them sit at about 30 degree angles to try to help move the focus off of

    the large stomach area. Although this helps it is still not the couple picture

    I would like to present them with after our formal photo shoot. This also

    moves them away from each other and removes the "couple" feeling. I thought

    about putting one behind the other peeking over a sholder but I can not think

    of any other pose that will make this shot what I would like to see. Is there

    any information on how to help with this kind of shot.

  6. I have been a "Guest Account" for some time now and I am interested in becoming

    a paying member with one reservation. My main goal by becoming a paying member

    is to use others opinions to improve my photos. It took almost no time at all

    for me to first hand find the 3/3 offenders. Now if my photo deserves a 3/3 I

    have no issue. The problem is the same photo that gets the 3/3 will get a 6/6

    from someone willing to sign in and put their name with it. And this seems very

    consistent. I would like to see the rating system so that the ratings that count

    are the ones that someone is willing to "sign" their name to. Even if its a

    "Guest" account as long as they are required to sign in to rate the photos I

    think the system would be more consistent. I think the "Top Photos" also should

    only use the rating of signed in users. Please provide me with some feedback on

    this to let me know if this is something that is worth trying or has been tried.

    I will more than likely still become a member very soon either way but I wanted

    to get this "off my chest" before I went forward.


    Thank you very much for your time.


    Bill Kalmbach

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