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Posts posted by scooter0071

  1. <p>My friend that I shoot with has his first Digital camera. Nikon D70s. He heard somewhere he should not try his old 17mm F3.5 Non AI Nikkor lens on his camera. He does not know why and is curious. I have no good answers for this and would like to ask the group if someone could give us some feedback on this. Also I have a D300 and D50, Will this lens fit on either of these cameras. I will provide any additional information requested that will help answer my questions.</p>

    <p>Thank You</p>

    <p>Bill Kalmbach</p>

  2. <p>I have a 55-200 kit lense from my D50 that I have been using on my D300. It has served me well. I now have an issues that I am asking for some input on. The lens will now auto-focus just fine close to the 55mm range but when I get closer to the 200mm range it will search but not find the focus. I tried the lens on both the D300 and the D50 with the same results. My 18-55 kit lens will focus just fine on both bodys so that leads me to believe that I have correctly troubleshot it to the lens. Is there anything I can try.</p>


  3. <p>I am curious if anyone can give any help on this. I have been asked by a couple to do some stuido type photo shots of their newborn when it comes. The baby will be somewhere from 3 to 6 weeks when we do the shoot. My concern is can I use my small shadow boxes for the baby shoot or will the babys eyes be too sensitive. The lighting in my basement studio is not that great without using flash so I may have trouble with available light photos.</p>
  4. <p>Thanks guys, I chose to use the Option that Ellis mentioned. Here is something I noticed though if I just select a group of Nef files from windows explorer select open with then Photoshop CS3 it will only open them one at a time. If I select a group from within Adobe Bridge then I can see all of the files as Ellis described. Any idea what I would be doing wrong that I can not from within windows explorer just select a group of them? Maybe this is just the way things work. I guess I have not tried to open large groups of files at all at once in ACR. I normally just open one and file at a time to edit them.</p>

    <p> </p>

  5. William - It turned out it was on the sensor, Lex above jogged my brain and I cleaned the sensor. All is well now.


    Michael - Unfortunately my spec is on the inside of the element. But I still tried over and over my rocket bulb blower.

  6. I can not believe I did not even think to check the sensor. I saw that speck on the lens and just knew that was it and didn't even think to continue looking into it. Lex you were correct that was it. After all the times I had to clean the D50 sensor you would think I would have checked that first I do take better care of my D300 but I still should have checked it. After doing the clean sensor option from the menu on the D300 I am now shooting speck free. Thank you to all who gave input on this. Now on to see what I can create with lightning bugs that are all over my back yard. Once again Thanks everyone.
  7. I'm not sure how it happened but somehow I have gotten a bit of dust, just a speck actually, on the inside glass

    on the back of my lens This is a Nikon 55-200 4.5-5.6. My buddy said leave it and work around it but I just cant

    accept that. Is this something I can clear out or do I have to have it sent in to someone to have it cleaned? I

    am on a very tight budget so I am concerned about cost, if it needs to be sent in for cleaning how much could I

    expect to be paying for this?



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