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robert himmelright

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Posts posted by robert himmelright

  1. the first number looks like a sort number (what lab operators use to keep track of which order is which) the 2nd I think means its the 77th print in the order, the NNNN means they did not adjust cyan, magenta, yellow or density(in that particular order), no idea about the last part as I run frontiers, not noritsu's.
  2. small prints, I like optical better as I look at proofs with a loup to see which one is the truely sharp one and which one's aren't for potential enlargements. Large prints, digital....definitly I dont have a set up to make prints, but I do have a film scanner, and when I print from my scanned negs I've been satisfied wiht sharpness/color and density where as what has come back to me from both fuji and qualex after having been optically enlarged is dissapointing.
  3. 1) she probably has a d-carrier, google search the webpage. Its basically an lcd screen the size of a 35mm neg, the proscesor works the same way, but the d-carrier simulates a neg.

    2) speed, products and reliability. The SFA series has been discontinued for over 10 years now, also most SFA's max out at a 6 inch wide paper, so 8x10's aren't viable.


    The index printer on SFA's is also a low rez unit like your noritsu.

  4. basically at labs I've worked at, advantix film is put into a "detacher" which removes the film from its cartridge and puts it into an intermediate cartridge to be proscessed, the pointy end with three holes is forward with the three holes being hooked to a leader card. Sometimes the film jams for whatever reason in the detacher, so its into a dark bag to pry the advantix cartridge open by hand and get the film out. Usually the lab has a stock of replacement casettes to put the film back in, but obviously your mom's lab didn't. They're availible through fuji, and I'd assume kodak too.
  5. With working on frontiers for several years, I never saw any orange speckling. Sharpening artifacts sometimes, but never just orange speckling. Setting the sharpness to "low 2" may help on the frontier, but realistically I wouldn't trust walgreens for anything after being fired for dumping and remixing fixer after two control strips indicated that as the best course of action.

    It almost sounds as if walgreen's frontier's scanner was having some sort of an issue from your description.

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