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Everything posted by rconey

  1. rconey

    Country Road


  2. rconey

    The Water Pocket Fold


  3. rconey

    American West


  4. I’ll know in a day or two how the 135 f2 Ai looks. I like it a lot , 3 weeks in. Seemed good in Utah slickrock. Glad I didnt take it backpacking. Even the z 105 f2.8 I took was too long.
  5. Out here in Southern Utah, with great weather. Using all the above for polarizer. Didn't find a "mimic OVF" function but doing ok. Hopefully no surprises when I get back
  6. Thanks to both of you. I'll have to look for that function on my Nikon Z7.
  7. Just got back from a walk. Yes, the ever adjusting EVF takes out some of the sky darkening. The highlight drop off is harder to see but there. Also, greens see to really pop if shooting truly perpendicular to the sun.
  8. I guess ad revenue is ad revenue. Maybe we should make them put all the images in the "critique" function..........
  9. I haven't used polarizers much the last few years, and have also transitioned to mirrorless. I am picking up ploarizers again. I'm finding that the expected color and contrast change that told me I had the polarizer aligned properly is not as apparent through an EVF compared to an OVF. With care, I can sometimes see the difference. Any thoughts on making this easy and quick? A couple of notes: -I notice that on auto iso the iso changes, not the shutter speed. -I can hold up the polarizer by itself and determine the proper orientation, before I put it on the lens. Thanks.
  10. Probably obvious, but the lens hood is critical to avoiding this as much as possible. Using a hat mimics/extends this. Backing up and using a telephoto lens with a lens hood might get you the shot without the glare.
  11. The next backpacking trip is coming up in a month. Just my wife and me. I plan the trips. She puts up with my photography because the scenery is generally so fine. Sometimes my grown kids tag along. The only problem is that it is getting harder to carry the gear.
  12. Sigh.... I just sold off a set of #6 Zeiss zf.2 lenses. I didn't use them much, and the manual focus part has gotten less fun over time. For example, the new Nikon Z 105f2.8 is a sharper and lighter lens than the Zeiss 100 f2, and it is autofocus. Cleaning out the closets, getting money for new toys.
  13. Nice read. As a non-professional, using my prints as decoration at home and in office I really only have me (and clients who sit in the office) to please. I most commonly use absolute colorimetric, although I flip thru the other options to see what looks best. "Looks best" is my criterion. Usually the print is close to the monitor given good color management. Sometimes the print looks off and I realize that the image on screen is off......
  14. D850 to Z7 here. It's nice to have choices. As one who is backpacking and lugging the stuff around, I am delighted at the 1+ pound I shed going to the Z7. Smaller, lighter, IBIS, a great advance. Startup time in landscape is not an issue. It is noticeable, but I just turn the camera on as I swing it up to my eye. My only "dislike" was a moment in the Zion backcountry when it was so beautiful that I shot for several minutes straight. When I took my eye from the EVF I had a moment of vertigo. Luckily I wasn't standing on a ledge or cliff. I do find the sensor a little noisier than the D850, but the IBIS lets me hand hold longer at base iso to avoid that. Textured button? I forgot about it immediately. Don't use it and don't notice it.
  15. rconey

    Water the Plants!

    They get testy if not cared for.
  16. Partial correction. The nikon z105 f2.8 is as sharp or sharper than the zeiss 100 manual focus. The zeiss is about 1/3rd stop brighter in exposure at the same settings. The autofocus and lighter weight makes the nikon lens a winner.
  17. I agree that transfer direct from camera is pretty slow. The card reader zips thru pretty quickly. I haven't had any more problem since getting rid of that faulty XQD card.
  18. Well, waiting since announcement. Just snagged one from Adorama, delivered today. Very nice lens. Not quite as sharp as my zeiss 100 f2 on FTZ adapter but so much lighter than the zeiss +FTZ. Pretty easy choice for back packing. Should be fun to get to know it over the next few weeks.
  19. Now for us "Zoomies" there is the 24-120 f4. Hmmm I want 1, not both. They may have missed a sale by the problem with availability.
  20. Ahhh, I moved too quickly. The card in question is at the bottom of a garbage bag. It would have been interesting to sort through where the problem was, but my other xqd cards are working fine. There are 3 usb ports on the front of my computer-only that old card did not register, in any of them. I had reformatted it in the camera a few times, to no avail. Thanks for all the good suggestions.
  21. Well that's interesting. It is the XQD card that is the problem. It is a 128GB SanDisk Extreme Pro that I have used for a year or 3. It works fine in the camera, and with the camera USB cable images download without problem. In the adapter however, the computer does not pick up the connection. Hmm. Who'd a thunk. Guess its heading for the trash.
  22. Thanks all. The USP ports work with other items. I tried the USB cable that comes with the device, instead of directly plugging it into the computer USB port. As I said, I even tried the new, unused device I had sitting in a drawer. Neither is recognized by the computer. I have had to get the short Nikon USB cable and download directly from the camera- a pain but it works. Hmmm
  23. rconey

    Green River, Wyoming

    End of a backpacking trip


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