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Image Comments posted by jlambuth

    Walk in The Park


    One of my personal favorites. I was visiting Luxembourg and I managed to get down into

    the gardens surrounding the walls of the old fortress that encompasses the city. It was

    kind of a crummy day so most of my photos were ruined by horrid light. Fortunately this

    shot of a local woman walking her two dogs came through beautifully. Do enjoy and let

    me know what y'all think.

    Slow Time Mime


    Navigating through the many small streets of downtown Madrid I discovered one of the

    many mimes that cover the town. He works the exact same corner every time and if you

    give him a euro he moves a bit in a robotic fashion. Rather amusing for a while. Anyways, I

    gave him a few euros and took some shots. With sufficient blurring and minor adjustments

    I finally got the shot I want! I hope y'all like it.

    The Vatican Guard


    It was begining to rain and I was in a bit of a hurry to get back to

    the hotel. On my way out I noticed the Vatican guard at this post and

    figured why not. I'm glad it came out since the lighting there was

    horrid and they don't allow tripods in Vatican City. Let me know what

    y'all think.

    Night on the River


    One of the few night shots I managed to take while walking through

    Venice. Despite being slighty intoxicated and it being freezing cold

    I still got it. Let me know what y'all think!

    Spanish Gateway


    I found this neat little village built within a mountain top in

    Southern Spain. As the sun was setting the sky turned this deep blue.

    I thought this imaged composed just right and managed to catch it.

    Hope y'all like it.



    On my last day in Venice we took a gondola ride through the city.

    Well worth the 70 euros. As we were returning to the pier I caught

    this image. I was surprised how it came out since both they were

    moving as was I. Gondolas aren't the most stable of boats. Anyways, I

    do hope y'all like it!

    Domus Balneum


    This was my very first photo right after my eye surgery in the

    military hospital in Germany. I took a tour of the local towns and

    thought this was a neat formation. Let me know what y'all think!

    Guiding Light


    This right here is the biggest lighthouse in all of Spain. Though

    it's not much to look at during the day but by night it makes a great

    shot. I hope y'all like it.

    Crux Nebulosus


    I nearly fell in the water taking this shot. Trying to find the ideal

    spot to take this shot was such a pain since it was blowing harder

    than a Texas tornado. After a few ruined shots I finally got a

    keeper. Let me know what y'all think.


    Very shocking photo subject yet so darn familiar. Reminds me of my pet dogs feasting on a field rat our cats like to catch back home. I personally would have included a bit more of the dogs body into the photo but upon first site it's sufficient.

    Escaping Soul


    While walking through Madrid I encountered this one spanish group of

    kids. This one guy was trying to blow funky shapes with his cigarette

    smoke. Though unsuccessful I found this pic to be rather amusing.

    Arabian Archway


    While visiting the Alhambra fortress/castle in Granada I caught this

    one spanish family standing in the archway. Normally, this place is

    swamped with people and getting a good shot is tough. This time

    around the people help compose the shot.

    Brutal Dance


    Perhaps one of the best shots I have of my visit to the local

    bullfight. I always seem to get the seats with the sun right in front

    of me. I got lucky with this shot. Plus the bull won this time too.

    My personal favorite of that day.

  1. I had a tough time shooting this bullfight since I was rooting for

    the bull which makes the locals mad and the sun was right in my face.

    I managed to recover a few shots this being one. Hope y'all like it.


    I like this photo but it seems to me that it's has a dull gray tone to it. It might be my monitor ruining the image for me but I would have opted for a bit more contrast. Other than that I like it.

    Dark Jetti


    Another photo shot in infrared with my G2. I changed the perspective

    of the camera angle to make the rather small jetti look larger and

    more impressive. Tell me what y'all think.

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