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Image Comments posted by jlambuth

  1. I managed to grab this shot just as the parade from the church began.

    Plus the cops were really getting annoyed by me always getting in the

    way. I had to get those final shots that nobody else got. I hope

    y'all like this one.

  2. This is my absolutely last bullfight photo for my miltary tour in

    europe ends very soon. I found this image and fixed the color so it

    was more eye catching. In case you are wondering the bull lived in

    this fight. Let me know what y'all think!


    It's an ok photo. The highlights are blown out in the background which is really distracting. It might be the cheap monitor the navy issues out to us here but the image seems a bit blurred. I love the facial expression though. Reminds me of one of our cats back home.



    I got lucky here since the cops were really rough on the

    photographers. I managed to catch this last close up of one of the

    oldest catholic fraternities in Sevilla. Do let me know what y'all


    Ferris Wheel


    The very last photo in Infrared I shall take during my military tour

    in Europe. I thought this scene had a neat look to it in IR so after

    a bit of tweaking I got it just right. Let me know what y'all think!

    Fraternal Order


    This was a darn hard shot. I couldn't set up a tripod since the

    parade was costantly in motion and since there was so much crowd it

    was impossible to shoot from like a lamp post. I got creatived and

    used my buddy's shoulder as the tripod. This shot came out the best

    out of the 7 or so I took. Tell me what y'all think!

    Bearing the Cross


    One of the few color shots I liked while my trip to Sevilla for

    Semana Santa. This one fraternity had a whole group that carried a

    cross over their shoulder. I thought the way the cross and men span

    the image made this shot stand out from the several I took from this

    group. Let me know what y'all think.

    Holy Fraternity

    The outfits have nothing to do with the KKK. The KKK copied the idea from the catholic fraternities. This pratice has beeing going on WAY beyond the narrow minded scope of the KKK.

    Holy Fraternity


    This is my last series of photos of Europe since my military tour

    here comes to an end soon. My last trip was to the city of Sevilla

    for the world known celebration of Semana Santa.I got right into the

    parade and go this photo before the cops tried to grab me.I hope

    y'all like it!

  3. I thought this was a great sight to see and a great photo to take. I

    had no choice to use Infrared since I was out of film and out of

    power for both SLR's. I had enough juice left in the G2 and decided

    to shoot it and hope it came out. I thought it looks even better and

    I hope y'all like it too.

  4. I saw this gal constantly pearing around the bulkhead waiting for the

    train to finally show up. I was on the other side waiting as well and

    when the train started to approach I had my buddy act as a tripod so

    I could shoot this shot. Let me know what y'all think!


    I love this shot. Great tone and composition. Sure the cat in the back could be sharper but it's not distracting. As always they are totally ignoring everything else and concentrating on birds. Predators til the very end they are.

    Plas Stromek


    With some fine tuning to my modified G2 infrared camera I finally got it to where I like it. Here is one

    of my most recent shots I took using it in Prague. The images aren't as grainy as before and much

    more sharp. Let me know what y'all think!

    Veins of Silver


    A seemingly boring photo in normal light really. I saw this really

    old growth of vines along side the wall of the castle in Prague. I

    shot it in both visible light and infrared and I thought it looked

    worlds better in IR. Tell me what y'all think.

  5. My buddy and I were on our way to the castle in Prague when we saw this little kid

    begging. I couldn't resist taking this shot since you just don't really see this that often. Tell

    me what y'all think!

    Afternoon Prayer


    We were strolling through Prague trying to walk off the buzz from

    some strong absinthe and while on one of the bridges I saw this women

    apparently praying. We didn't understand a word she said but I

    thought the image came out great. Let me know what y'all think!

  6. Not much to say here. Madrid has a good amount of very elaborate cathedrals. A must see

    for Catholics and those who find an interest in cathedrals. I thought the sun here lit the

    alley just right with the towers breaking the building line. Tell me what y'all think.

  7. These shots are tough in Southern Spain and especially around the naval base. Alot of light

    pollution that glows on the horizon makes any really good long exposure shots nearly

    impossible. I got lucky this time since I discovered this small town had a power outage and

    so I grabbed my camera, jumped into my truck and found this neat spanish country estate.

    I hope y'all like it!

    Gondola Ride


    Sure, the gondola images of Venice is probably one of the most overdone cliche around so

    I was trying to make the image different. While waiting for the boat to take me to Burano I

    saw this gondola go by. I thought the mooring posts added a neat framing effect to the

    image. Anyways, I hope y'all like it and provide your thoughts.


    Nice cat. Looks like of mine from back home. All is missing is the mouse in it's mouth. I like the angle of the shot too. A bit grainy for my taste. Bad scan perhaps.
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