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Posts posted by DEGREEFOTO

  1. Thankyou for your feedback. I have looked into the Phototherm option and apart from the price of a new unit if I were to pick one up it would cost me close to $650.00 just to have it shipped out to me in Spain.


    I haven't heard anything about Jobo winding down operations and although I would love a ALT1500 which was the unit that I used whilst doing my formal photostudies the cost is also far too high for the 'risk' I would like to take. I have looked at the CPA & CPP units and feel that a 2nd hand one in good nick is worth the risk...more so when I can find one in Germany and hence save on the shipping costs. In the end I feel that for the volume that I may be putting through it it may be the better choice,,,although I have thought of putting an add in the local paper to see if I get anyone interested in having their films processed in a short time just to see if the unit pays for its self sooner....just a thought.



  2. I am considering setting up a Jobo CPA Processor at home to develop slide and

    colour film. The reason for this is that since the on set of digital most labs

    in the area have closed up and it now takes 4 days to have 35 & 120 slides

    developed and returned and 3 weeks for 4x5. I know that the cost of chemicals

    etc, would out weigh the pros in this situation for the amount of film I would

    process...which could be around 10 4x5 a month and around 20 rolls of the

    other formats.


    However, I place a great deal on turn around times when dealing with clients

    and with out getting into a debate about the pros on digital and its

    advantages..as well as its short comings..in regards to the 4x5 resolution

    debate...would you, that still process your film at home, see this as a sound



    Just looking for feed back here folks and any hands on experiences that have

    or may have helped some of you to take a similar decision.


    Thanks in advance.



  3. Thanks Pete....


    That's what I thought. I have looked at the GG Panel and its all one piece that can be revolved around the lower housing once the latch is freed...other then that I may have to go the way you mention with a conversion kit if the price is right.


    Many thanks anyway.



  4. Thank you both for your feedback....however I find that by removing the GG Panel all together ( see attached pic) that this leaves me with an opening which is far more squarer and larger then the Roll Film back and hence unable to use the slide in holders.


    This is why I have the notion that I may need some type of attachment in the form of a GG Panel without the 'spring back' and wide enough to take the Roll Film unit. Am I correct in assuming this or am I missing something.



  5. Can anyone please advise as to what attachment I would need to use a

    Graflex '23' Graphic Roll Film Back on a 4x5 Toyo. I was given this item but I

    believe it would require some type of attachment so as to be used. Am I

    correct that in either case I would have to remove the revolving back on the

    Toyo to use it nevertheless.


    The measurements on this unit's board are 17cm long by 12 wide...please see

    attached pic. Any help would be much appreciated.



  6. Steve,


    In regards to Light, Science Magic.....it is a wonderful book well written and one that was used during my photographic formal studies by the teachers and students alike. However it mainly deals with lighting highly reflective and glass subjects although some of the techniques can be applied to most things in general in regards to the light set up. Apart from any other advise you may receive here I would partly agree with one of the poster's above comments in regards to professional photographers.



  7. Hi Michael,


    I echo Bill's advise above...and if anything may I recommend that you use the Blue or Red (I think) city tour bus. There's the northern route and the southern route and for around ?20 it takes you to all the worthwhile sites. You can get a weekly pass to be able to use both routes and manage to see most of Guadi's master works. The Gothic part of the city with its narrow streets which is located near Las Ramblas is also worthwhile as well as Pueblo Andalucia. A day trip to Monserrat is worhwhile as well but take warm clothing as it's high up and no doubt you may have snow at that time of year.


    Be on your guard on Las Ramblas more so as night if you venture out...but apart from that you should have no problems.





  8. Hi Rachelle....


    I have covered some of these events shooting hand held...be it with ISO800 Fuji neg. There is usually enough street lighting there to give acceptable results. At times a flash as well...but it may kill the effect to some extent IMHO. I don't know how well the routes are lit in Sevilla at the moment as half of the inner city area is a work zone due to the city getting the metro put in. I know they had to take a few new routes last year through more narrower streets. You should not have that much of a problem with digital however...but having said that you will be able to get some shots taken around sun set as not all the prosessions start at night....due to the younger members of the Brotherhood who need to be in bed by a certain time.



  9. Hi Steve..


    Regrettably as a working pro..these are just but a few of the everyday day events that I also face when dealing with clients in general that use freelancers that are less then professional in many aspects. Without trying to sound like I am having a go at digital...I have found an increase in the number of freelancers that are now entering the field offering rather low prices due to their even lower overheads or the lack of them having to pay for the more legal ones like tax which you and I face as registered businesses. I feel digital to that extent has had a huge impact in my area...and it was only recently that a long established studio in the area closed its doors...not due to not keeping with the times...as they had upgrade to digital as well...but due to the amount of 'fly by night raiders' as I call them that will undercut everyone more so when there is no record of their transactions so to speak.


    The only way I keep ahead of these guys is by giving my clients a better service, product and education in so much that cheaper does not mean better...more so when it comes to a corporate image. In all its a sign of the times and I don't feel that authorities are equiped to deal with the numbers that are now working as freelancers. I remember my days in Australia where associations of Professional Photographers lobbied government to address these issue as well as place ads in the major Wedding, Ad Magazine advising the public in general of the pit falls when dealing with these type of 'freelancers' that were less then qualified. Nevertheless, the word freelancer should in most cases not be used as those that dodge the tax.


    Stay focused



  10. Hi Rachelle,


    Well it seems that you are going to have a busy trip from the sound of things. First thing is first...I would not short change Granada nor Cordoba if I had a choice. These 2 cities...Cordoba being my place of birth...are well worth an extra day or 2. Cordoba has its famous Mezquita and the old Jewish quarter to visit and to get lost in...with enough history and photographic subjects to keep you entertained. A must visit, also whilst in Cordoba would be Medina Al Sahara which are the ruins just outside of town. Any hotel that you may be staying at would be able to give you details as to how to get there and transport.


    Granada's red palace..the Alhambra and its gardens are not to be missed and I would recommend a whole day here if you can. You may have to book in advance to get into the Alhambra due to its time restrictions. Take enough film or buy it here....400ISO would be the starting point for some of these places internal areas as tripods are not permitted and in some cases niether is flash. Leave time enough to have the film processed if you like...not printed..therefore you have peace of mind getting it x-rayed on the return trip home.


    Ronda is only 1 hour away from where I live near Malaga and although it has its attraction...if you were out to capture the white villages..then the provence of Cadiz would be my choice. However transport would always be a problem getting around unless you hire a car, and for this reason you may find white villages between Cordoba - Sevilla - Granada a more attractive prospect. In most cases village life is rather slow at best of times and one can still find its older population gathered around the main square until about lunch time which is around 3 pm here.


    In regards to the flowers...well you will be arriving just at the beginning of Spring...so apart from the oranges blooms that ardone the streets...a Moorish way of keeping the city perfumed...the country side should have fields of young wheat and bright large sun flowers....apart from the millions and millions of olive trees.


    Sevilla's Holy week is not bad...and a visit to the world's largest Gothic Cathedral is a must. Travel light to these places and try not to look too much like a visitor. Sevilla has it's fair share of pick pockets and gypsies so keep everything closed and close to you...but in general it's safe enough to walk around during the day on your own. As the worthwhile prosessions are mostly held at night...once again travel light and keep gear close to you. Frankly the prosessions in Malaga in my opinion are better and far bigger...but be prepared to get out of bed at 11pm to go out and see them as they don't finish until around dawn. I recommend either as a 1 off in a life time experience and although the members of the Brotherhood that carry the 'Throne' or effigy look like members of the KKK they are far from it.


    Apart from that if you do venture any further south and visit the coast...drop me a line and perhaps we can tie up a meet and if I get enough warning...I may be able to show you some of those white local towns as I live in an area which has all the mentioned spots that you want to visit at best 2 hours away by road. The train service is good and in most cases gets you to places on time. The high speed train...Ave...does Madrid Sevilla or Cordoba in about 2 - 2.5 hours...and there are ofcourse bus routes that connect most larger towns.





  11. Hi Mike....


    I have had a similar situation and have simply just placed the negs in a tray of cold running water as the article which the above poster has supplied you with mentions. I however would not use distilled water.


    Keeping them in the running water for about 5 - 10 minutes should be enough...but remember to keep them in the water and even move the tray as if developing a print.


    Best of luck



  12. Just a quick question in relation to Photomatix. I have read a few reviews on

    this software and its HDR applications.


    I currently have PCS2 and I am wondering if the Photomatix would be a

    worthwhile investment and workflow tool to achieve the HDR images I am after.


    Does/has anyone here taken the step and invested in this software...any feed

    back would be appreciated.


    Thanks in advance.



  13. Hi Vladimir....


    Although I don't live in Sevilla...I'm on the coast about 2 hours away from Sevilla...I think you may find it hard to find a place that does rentals there. Regretably the rental idea in Andalucia is not one that has taken off, more so in it's capital Sevilla. In regards to labs, once again if you are shooting negs...then I suppose the 1 hour labs are OK...there are a few around more so near the touristy spots. Keeping in mind that most businesses here close around 1.30p.m and re open around 5p.m. If you are shooting slides...I believe most of the slide get sent to Roscolour...which is the largest and longest established pro lab here...but is closer to where I am and therefore I would say it may take 3 days turn around for you to get the slides back. I get my 120mm done there to an exceptable standard as they are downgrading their film processing services. The price should not be more the Euro 4.00 for the processing. In general you may be able to find an acceptable lab else where if you have the time to search around. Nevertheless I will ask around in Sevilla to see if there is anything closer by in regards to the Lab or the hire.


    Regards and enjoy Sevilla



  14. Hi Jenny....


    Although it has been some time since I last did a Wedding...I have always discussed this issue with the contracting couple before hand...like you did...( with a clause to that effect in the contract)and once again at the beginning of the event. In most cases the priest or 'who ever is in authority so to speak' would make it clear to every one present...as usually this is when all the guests are there and paying attention...that there is a professional photographer in attendance and that that person would be the only one taking the photo's as they have been contracted by the B&G. The priest would even prevent anyone else from taking photos!...as I would have met up with him a week beforehand to see what he would permit and at what moment.


    I had a situation like your's once and both B&G were rather upset that there was another shooter on the scene that they did not expect as they agreed with me that they could be distracted from paying attention to me so as to give them the best shots. After speaking with this person and indicating to the B6G that this person would not heed to my request, the priest stopped the ceremony and told him to leave the area or I would have walked away from the ceremony.....that simple...with funds paid non refundable. Yes it was uncomfortable at that point...but I rather have that then disgruntal clients. From that moment onwards at the reception I had everyone coming up to me to ask permission to take snap shots....not a problem once I had the required images in the can...they were all welcome to fire away!


    I appreciate the fact that you needed to build your portfolio etc...but if anything I would have approached this other guy and had a word with him aside....no doubt with the support of the B&G. In the end you should have taken control of the situation as diplomatically as possible and advise this person to stop what they were doing....as you mention...or better still have the B&G do so. Failing to do so IMHO has left you in a situation that may be seen be the B&G as an excuse for the images of this moron's head as you put it. You are the contracted photographer therefore take control to give your clients photos that may never be repeatable...they in the end will understand your stance if you rubbed this other guy the wrong way.


    Best of luck



  15. G'day Charles,


    I think that the answers that you have received thus far in regards to your posting would sum up the advise I would give any one in your situation. It is a situation that I find myself in to a certain extent from time to time when dealing with clients that think they know more about photography, then the person they have hired...or so it seems. As the first individual states in her bio....don't critize her too strickly....that would sum it up for me. I don't pretend for one moment that I am the world's greatest...far from it....but like you, I joined this site to learn and share......stay focus on that and dismiss...anything that you know is not to be taken seriously. I see by your studies and folio that you are above all that.



  16. I share in Mr Buckley concerns and would also like his questions answered in an honest and concise manner. Like many I have joined this site in good faith for a period longer than a year's sub in the hope to learn and share knowledge in a mutual manner about a mutual subject....which is the art..industry...profession that we mainly discuss here in its various forms.


    I have, however, over the past few weeks seen the improvements in some ways that the site has now undertaken only to read the concerns...wrongly or rightly based that members air in the forums. For better or for the worse, time may be the only option the majority of the membership may have to see what direction management may take and its...hopefully positive outcome for the majority. If I have anything that I don't wholy support is that the time limit for a guest should me policed in a more stringent manner...as I feel it only fair to those of us that have paid in good faith.



  17. Hi Marcia....


    Can you get a photo of the Toyo you have just purchased out to me....reason being I have a 45D and I can change bellows on mine as easy as you would changing the lens or film panels. I have the bag bellows for my wide angle lens and the standard bellows as well.





  18. "but i know my uncle could walk into my wedding with a disposable camera and make the pictures look great"


    I would like to believe that the camera does not make a good photographer within reason Samantha. I think that it may be difficult to purchase a pro kit for the funds you have set aside...as a pro body alone runs into the thousands....if anything I would count on the vast experience that your uncle may have regardless of the equipment and save your money by purchasing something middle of the road...(I believe the new Sony Alpha can be purchase in the US for approx $600 from what I have read on this site)....that in the end, you may find more user friendly for the type of photos you may be taking after the wedding day is over....and not have to spend time and serious money on reading the pro cameras manual or whether its pro feature will ever be used.


    Hope it all runs smoothly for you on the day.



  19. Hi Amanda...


    Tend to agree with the last poster above....although I would make the $900 for studio work and $1200 approx for location for my day rate...that being 6 hours add travelling to this. From what you have mentioned it seems that you are nearly selling your soul in regards to the image....I have rarely done this only with multi national clients...that have ad agents in major markets around the world....like MacDonald's for example....and that have paid for the exclusive use outright.


    In some cases it borders, in some parts of the world, to nearly selling the copyright or license to use....if they are wanting exclusive rights and for this reason...IMHO $5000 would be the starting price per image if you are going to hand over any future earnings generated from its use. Afterall...this client may have factored in a ad budget...which may be tax deductabe to him hence he will be in effect claiming advertising as an expense....which can amount to the client getting an image that may generate thousands if not millions...for next to peanuts. Look at the bigger picture and sell the client the fact that your image will do this...but there is a price to pay....simply put.


    I have always been amazed when giving estimates to ad agents who represents major accounts, when they say that their client is on a tight budget.....like as if Coca Cola etc...have such a thing...only to be surprised when my $35.000 estimate has been accepted with the exclusive use of 4 images.....Asia Pacific only for a period of 1 year....its 200% more if it goes world wide.


    Oh by the way...I shoot film...but it would be the same on digital.....as a another member of this site has written...we must Educate the client to make them see what we are capable of doing for their image and or product and that we are the one that will carry that out. All the best



  20. Hi Colin...


    I have used the Hoya 25A...with a factor of 8 which equal to 3 stops. In most cases as mentioned above if you are using TTL then the camera will take this into account.



  21. Hi folks......just had a fellow pro photographer who is booked to shoot in the UK in 2 weeks time, advise me that he's overheads have just gone up by 150% to cover shipping cost ahead of the session and purchase of film and processing...which he will have to stick around for in the area...which means extra accommadation expenses etc...and if things could not get any worse...has already had the client accept the original quote...before this drama unfolded....cast a small stone into a pond...no doubt the ripples will extend.
  22. Hi Alexander,


    I once used a 'Light Generator' from Hose Master I think they were called. Basically it was a special 'flash unit' that had a flexible hose attachment with fiberoptics in it with different light attachments that you could use...like aperature setting in a way..... so as to be able to 'paint' with light. This equipment at the time it hit the market in Australia sold for around AUD$20000 to professional back in the early 90s. I saw it demonstrated by the US photographer inventor whose name I can't remember...but the results were stunning to say the least. Needless to say most of the 'painting' was done in a darken studio .


    I have not seen this equipment around for some time now...although I have seen the effect to a certain extent. I once tried using a flash light with a home made snoot attachment to try to achieve the some effect...needless to say the exposures were very long and I wore black garment in the darken studio to try to replicate the end result. However IMHO I don't think you could attach a fibreoptics gizzmo to your strobes to get the some results as I do remember that the unit that was demonstrated back then was a totally new concept of 'Flash Photography'. Perhaps you can look into Hose Master see what you can find.


    All the best



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