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Image Comments posted by jplace





    I like the warm effect you get from this one better than the cold effect of the one you posted with the sky and water in B/W. Nice photo. JP

  1. Nice photo Kat, Good lighting on the face but a little to bright on the left side. Love the colored flower.... it adds for effect. If you had some sort of diffuser on the left side it would help to soften the bright spots. One idea for a cheap diffuser if you don't already have one is an old white bed sheet. Assemble a frame and mount it to it. One thing I have found that works well is studio umbrellas with the black cover off so you can hold them easily. Sorry for the rambling. You have some nice work starting. Keep shooting, JP


    It is obvious this crane is coming in for a landing but it's just dead center of the frame. Next time try shifting the bird into the top left third and getting the landing zone in also, other wise it just doesn't look natural. 3/3 JP

    Flying low (2)

    The mountains are beautiful but the wing is not. That said I haven't tried this type of arial photography so it may be harder than one would think. Like I said the mountains are beautiful.


    There are a couple of branches that are distracting to me... mostly the fork that is infront of the bird. Good color. Keep shooting, JP





    You just can't go wrong with cute little girls. Nice sharp focus and good use of natural light. Not to bright for being in the full sun around mid-day (I am assuming). Keep shooting, JP

    Best Friends


    Thanks for the comments. I honestly hadn't even noticed the fist. After it was pointed out it hits you like a rock in the photo. Usually I watch better, that will give me something else to try to remember. As for the sky, there really wasn't a very good one. There was a very white overcast above the mountain. I will tried to darken it up with the raw file and overlay it, but it still looked white. After I had posted it I also thought it should have been cropped so the sky didn't show or very minimal amounts of it would. Thanks this is what I like about PN you sure can get some help. I will keep trying.

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