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p. easter

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Image Comments posted by p. easter

    Capitol Snowman

    Are those UFOs to the right of the dome? I don't usually catch little things like that, and they were probably birds or planes but I just HAD to ask...that being DC and everything (grin)
  1. ...this looks a bit dark but it's such a cute shot, especially with the "santa hat" on the far right. It sort of gives an exclamation point to the assemblage of tuba players, who all look like they are having a fun time!

    Two O'Clock

    At first glance it looked like a metal scupture of a snail climbing the wall. Excellent contrast between the patterned brick wall and the monocolor sculpture against the sky.

    Red berries

    What luck to find the ice crystalized just that way! You took excellent advantage of luck to apply your great skill. I love the color of the berries in contrast to the ice.
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