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p. easter

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Image Comments posted by p. easter



    Photographically, I think this is a good, solid composition with excellent tone and contrast. Nice crop too.


    The subject is interesting not only because of her age but looking at the photo closely, one can see that you have captured the fullness of life in the deep color of the lips, the soft length of the lashes and the soft sponteniety of the expression.


    Mum was right.


    Thanks for my best laugh of the day! This shot is great, showing the immemorial link between little children and their dogs. Good photo.


    Nice movement of the roads through the patches of buildings. Misty atmosphere and vehicle lights add mood to the color of the buildings and rooftops. I like it.


    I appreciate flowers and close-up shots of them. This photo beautifully illustrates the wondrous detail simple living things, such as plants, have to offer anyone who stops and takes a really close look. Lovely photograph.
  1. I like the composition and the subject matter. The mostly cloudy day with bursts of sunshine give the shot an interesting depth. I think though, if it's possible, maybe compare with a sunny day shot. Very nice.
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