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p. easter

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Image Comments posted by p. easter

  1. I am not an expert photographer so I don't have critiques...I really like tis night shot. I particularly like how you were able to get the rich golden yellow light differentiated from the strong white light by the arch at the top and in the sconces on the front wall in the foreground. Nice shot in my not so expert opinion!
  2. I like the fact that you can see not only the reflection of people on the path by the memorial wall, but you also managed to capture the colors in the reflection too. Hope you don't mind if I try copying your technique!!!

    Eagle 3

    This is about the most powerful pose/composition I've ever seen taken of a bald eagle. The combination of intense concentration and a pose that suggests the bird is ready to spring into flight any second is truly a great capture of this lovely bird. Great going!
  3. What a gorgeous shot! So realistic you almost expect to see armored knights riding out of the place to raise havoc somewhere or another! You did get some beautiful weather for it too...brought out all those rich colors of rust and what looks like slate. Bravo!


    This is a beautiful photograph. It gives a lovely sense of what it must be like to live by the sea in this area. I like the golden tones and the overall composition.


    What an absolutely gorgeous photograph! Perfect combination of unusual weather conditions with frost on the trees, perfect angle to catch the dim light and the wonderful center piece of he couple walking hand in hand enjoying the same magic you captured on film. Lovely!
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