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Everything posted by jasonsmith894

  1. jasonsmith894


    Great image. I do think the tweak above, i.e, moving the boat to the right to allow it to lead the viewer into the frame improves the image. The B&W conversion, however, is very good. Nicely seen.
  2. jasonsmith894


    Javier: You have a very nice image here, but in my opinion it could use a few tweaks. First the water appears to be a bit blown out (i.e., overexposed). You could probably pull that back a bit in PS. In addition, there appears to be a bit too much saturation. I think it is fine for the sky, but you may want to reduce the saturation on the rocks (seaweed) and the sand. Hope you find this helpful.
  3. jasonsmith894


    I really like this image. The composition is really compelling. I was initially going to suggest you convert it to monochrome, but I actually like the subdued colors in the image. Nice work.
  4. Lovely image and the B&W conversion is perfect. I agree with the comment from David regarding a tighter composition. I also note that on my screen it looks like you lost all detail in the sky around the sun. May want to try to pull that back a bit. Still a very nice image and you nailed the exposure in a tough environment.
  5. jasonsmith894


    Long exposure image taken during a recent morning shoot. Converted to B&W in PS. Comments are most appreciated. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
  6. jasonsmith894


    Thank you for all the feedback. I wasn't sure about whether to crop, but it sounds like I made the right choice not doing so. I didn't realize the horizon was slightly tilted, I'll be sure to correct that; thank you to those who pointed it out. Thanks again for all the helpful comments. Jason
  7. jasonsmith894


    Any thoughts about cropping out some of the space on the left side of the image? Other comments are also appreciated.
  8. jasonsmith894

    Mare Nostrum

    Beautiful image. The water treatment is fantastic. I also like that you mangled to hold detail in both the sky and rocks. Wonderful.
  9. I really like this image. My only critique is that the top of the rocks appear to be very dark. It looks like you may have used a grad ND filter to hold the sky, which would explain this. If it is intentional, you can ignore this comment. Otherwise, the image is fantastic. The shutter speed used results in a nice treatment of the water and you were able to hold detail in the sky. Nicely done.
  10. I use Aspen Creek regularly and have been pleased with their B&W prints. The turnaround time can be a bit slow at times, so you may want to take that into account when ordering.
  11. jasonsmith894


    Really lovely shot
  12. Thanks for the feedback, Charles. I too wish the composition was a little cleaner, but I was balancing rather precariously on some rocks while the tide was coming in. Unfortunately, I didn't have a lot of room to manuver. Thanks again for the feedback on this and the other image.
  13. Awesome picture! I saw the thumbnail and was immediately intrigued. The image is even better viewed larger. Really wonderful image.
  14. Robert and Ken: Thank you for the feeback on the image. Most appreciated.
  15. Nice timing on the capture. The rays of light are really wonderful. Nicely done.
  16. Here is another from sunset yesterday. Thanks to all for the feedback and comments on the other photo. Any comments or critiques on this image are most appreciated.
  17. Lovely image. The colors are really wonderful. Nice timing with the tide to get this captured.
  18. jasonsmith894


    Thank you, Frank. Appreciate your feedback.
  19. jasonsmith894


    Amazing image. Beautiful colors. You also managed to wonderfully capture the wave action. Really stunning.
  20. jasonsmith894

    Piers at Sunset

    I got up early yesterday to take sunrise photos at this location and it was overcast and grey. Went back today and had a little better luck. This is the first of several images I got today. Appreciate any feedback you may have.
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