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Image Comments posted by aeh


    good photo. However I think you may be intending the woman to be the object, if that's the case the Guitar is to overwhelming, unless the Guitar is the main feature and should show the entire neck and head. I could do without the cycle mirror. Al

    Tracks in the Snow

    I like this shot- why- my eyes follow the tracks back to the dam, (I assume, man made) and look for where the Otter came from, (i'm guessing a creek flows out to the left) and then I think of where he's going, (to the north end of the pond, where's there's an opening that he can get back in the creek, (how'm I doing so far ?) anyway, I like it. best to you, Al


    Good eye for the unusual. Great photo. Next week should do it for this kind of stuff ----hopefully. Best to you from "Pine County" up north, Al

    Winter Friend 2

    I think this one is good. I find these little guys can really be a lot of fun if you hold some bread with one hand and the camera with the other. really beautiful stuff in your gallery. Best to you, Al
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