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The struggle is over


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Everyone is entitled to a drought once in a while, hang in there. Exucse the pun, but don't get so down on yourself. You're your own worst critic, everyone knows that! :)


Aside from that, toss this one onto the pile of crap!!!! lol, just kidding.




PS, life can't be that bad, I'll bet you were selected to win 2 free iPod nanos by now, and if not, just hit refresh! ;)

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There ya go dude! I threw away almost everything I shot this year end. But thank god there is no snow here in Cal-ee-fornia to lay down in to end it all!?! Oh wait you are not from Iowa and have the endless election to deal with, are you??
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That could have been me this morning. Tim this is almost as funny as the one you have of the guy laying under the basketball hoop. Excellent - Sean
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May I suggest waiting until the fog lifts ? :-)


A happy new year to you and thanks for sharing your photos. Knowing you are still around posting, keeps me coming back.

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Thanks to everyone's sense of humor and let's all have a good 2008! Gordon, what the heck kind of dogs do you have, they are about the cutest bundles of fur I have ever seen and you do a great job of photographing them.
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Thanks Tim. Those two are brother and sister and they are Great Pyrenees Mountain dogs. We just call them Pyrs. as the great part tends to go to their heads. BTW your two are pretty darn cute themselves.
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Gordon, my two mutts are half Great Pyrenees and half yellow lab. My last dog was half Great Pyrenees and half Golden Retriever. I really like the moodiness of the Great Pyrenees.
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I've often thought your two had a good dose of Pyr. in them. They have that aloof look that Pyrs. can have. I think a lab crossed with a Pyr. is got to be a great combination. You hopefully end up with the labs IQ and obedience and the Pyrs. moody superiority complex. Before we had these two we had two male Pyrs. and a female Golden Retriever. She used to be the boss and would get very frustrated with the boy general lack of obedience and poor behaviour :)
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Moody, melancholic and morose sums up the Great Pyrenees side of my dogs, kind of like me and that is probably why I love the rascals.
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Yeah, that sure sounds like Pyrs. Three out of four of our Pyrs. have come from rescue so they all have had very strong personalities, or personality disorders, depending on whether you where the ones dropping them off at the rescue society or the ones adopting them. That Pyr. character is not always appreciated by those who don't know the breed, and yet are foolish enough to decide they want to have one :)
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