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Image Comments posted by prezesura



    its  a very nice composition of your still life

    love the light and your framed presentation

    very elegant work Ziko






    its a nice abstract Sidsel


    I'd love to see this with increased color contrast, I think cool blue would offset your red, orange and yellow well




  1. hi,

    answering  your questions Tony,

    upper part is soft in comparison to bottom part of the frame, I think I used  wrong f stop

    tried to correct it , I find difficult to correctly sharpness of  images without causing 

    distraction on a final product

    its  tricky to have great sharpness after jpeg compression  without grit and harsh look to it 

    each and every  time I edit images in  photoshop  it gives  me good results

    but images look poorer in browser or quick look window (MAC term)

    another story is I have 2 monitors, one is calibrated, each produces different sharpness and hues as well

    I'm still not happy with my recent attempts to get sharpness right, it puzzles me how others do this well


    composition wise  you are right, it would make sense to take some more images off to the right  without the tree

    unfortunately, I have only one image of this particular part of Warrawenna and that's what I presented

    speaking of snakes, we have a lot of them down here but,

    I haven't seen one out there in a wild myself

    they must avoid me I think

    finally, I more than welcome your comments and suggestion, and I would be  delighted

    to hear from you on my future post here on PN

    best regards Tony













    you did very well with this composition, texture, color, the idea itself

    pure and simple

    can't find anything that I would not like about your creative work Pierre






    all of the above what been already   pointed out to you 

    you manage your color contrasts  perfectly

    just seen your entire portfolio, it shows how good you are with this

    and how well you compose your images


    best regards



  2. Andreas

    your image is fine image, your captured great moment

    image has so much potential, great expression of her face, good framing,very good light, good choice of b&w

    Im not an expert, but I think your image has to be refined up to smallest detail to get your where you wanted to be with this portrait

    it lacks focus on eyes, your focused on neck and hair instead

    smooth background would help to keep interest and viewers focus on face itself

    I encourage you to study some great portraits of this kind here on PN

    try to reverse engineer them

    read how and what technique gives your desired  great results 

    then apply them cos its worth it

    I would love to see it again after refinmet

    i hope it'll help your







    that's excellent image Kurt

    your framed that moment perfect

    hands, reflections and all that lines going from bottom right across back to point of action 

    holds interest very  well

    plus great colors, sharpness, DOF







    La petite fleur


    as many others already said that to you

    you have an artistic gift of presenting  your subjects in simple  but the most effective manner

    this work of yours is an excellent example of this Art

    thanks for sharing




    Icy rocks


    Wanghan summed up  all about your  great landscape

    I enjoy it



    I imagine, getting top of trees into your frame would improve your composition and perspective a lot

    you post  processing skills are good  also







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