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dom n

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Image Comments posted by dom n

  1. amazing colors in this one. it's just so very alive and vibrant! i really like the pose as well. he seems alert but natural. great composition and good DOF. this one really stood out.

    Auschwitz 1940

    a powerful message and cropped just right. i love the way the letters pop out at us. the flower is well placed and the angle to the words in the shot reminds us that this is just a part of the whole picture.
  2. love the tan color of the wall here and the bold lines of the grating. the yellow of the flowers really adds life to this shot. really enjoying the composition. my only suggestion would be to clone out the vent to the right of the window, to maintain that classic look i so love about this one.
  3. I really like the composition of this one. the two little buds are nice for balancing the single bloom in all the negative space. the DOF is nice as well... really works nicely for the bg... altho i wish the flower was a little sharper. i don't know if the dulled colors were intentional or not, but i think the photo gains a lot from brightening them a bit.



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