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Image Comments posted by randy_bray

  1. Hi Sondra, Another great image, nice use of the rule of thirds with the bulk of the image between the two stands of trees. You have also incorporated another Curve in there this time an S curve. Very appealing overall. I have an S curve on some Railroad tracks I'm wanting to shoot, waiting for the weather to coooperate. Will also be in Lancster PA and in Vermont next October, so hoping to visit the Strasburg RR again.


    Good job :-)

  2. I think this is an outstanding photo, I have absolutely no problem with artistic license, I just have a hard time accepting the image. I have been through there at night in all sorts of conditions including fog and I've seen the beam, it's narrow, and doesn't point down. Please see below.


    The Heceta head light casts a beam that is visible up to 26 miles at sea, having said that consider this. For the beam to be seen that far away at sea it has to be a very narrow beam that is focused through a series of fresnel lenses.

    The original flame lamp used at Heceta Head was replaced long ago with a powerful electric light, which made the beam much stronger.


    Please see the article at: http://lighthousegetaway.com/lights/fresnel.html


    Fresnel Animation: http://www.pbs.org/legendarylighthouses/html/photoqt.html



    "The Fresnel Lens

    In 1822 a French Physicist named Augustin Fresnel invented a lens that would make his name commonplace along the seacoasts of Europe and North America. It looked like a giant glass beehive, with a light at the center. The lens could be as tall as twelve feet, with concentric rings of glass prisms above and below to bend the light into a narrow beam. At the center the lens was shaped like a magnifying glass, so the concentrated beam was even more powerful. Tests showed that while an open flame lost nearly 97% of its light, and a flame with reflectors behind it still lost 83% of its light, the fresnel lens was able to capture all but 17% of its light. Because of its amazing efficiency, a fresnel lens could easily throw its light 20 or more miles to the horizon."


    Exquisite, the light to dark transition from left to right is very appealing. Well Done. I like the fact that everything isn't centered, shows a lot of creativity.
  3. A beautiful exposure and very pleasing, misty, and the ocean is moody. However, living close to this Lighthouse, I can tell you for a fact that the beam does not look like that. When the beam shines out to sea you barely have any light coming towards where the camera is positioned on the pullout on Hwy 101. Trust me, been there, done that.



    I agree with Ilse, The background is what sets this off as a standout photo, without the diffused objects in the background the photo would look too ordinary


  4. Thanks Sondra,


    This scene was used in 2 movies, "Funny Farm" with Chevy Chase, and "Forrest Gump" with Tom Hanks. It's also been used in Numerous commercials, this scene is equally as lovely in winter. If you ever head to Vermont, contact me for a list of places to visit.


    Sunset on the Bay

    Hi Sondra, as nice as the original image was, the cropped image is much more appealing. Seems to be balance better. Shots like this can be tough with the contrasts, you utilized them well.
  5. Hi Sondra, I really like this image of the Strasburg RR. Carol and I were on it in the summer of 2004. I really like the way you did the shot, the curve in the track is especially appealing, something else that looks good is an "S" curve whether it be a Rail line, road or path, it's just eye catching. Well Done ! Carol and I are planning to be in PA again in the Fall of 2006 with a week long trip to Vermont added in, can't wait. Keep shooting, you're doing great.
  6. Hi Sondra, Nice balance. I prefer the uncropped version, and the whitecaps on the breakers really make this photo, as well as the little amount of light coming through the Fresnel Lens on the lighthouse. I still think you need to come to Oregon though :-) Great work.
  7. Hi Joy, you've got mail! Check your email for another lovely image that I haven't posted yet. As far as Monsoon rains. I live in Oregon and we have several rivers and streams overflowing their banks right now, so you don't have to use the water bottle trick very often here ! Take care and stay safe wherever your travels take you.
  8. Greetings from Corvallis! Nice to see another Corvallis Photographer on PN. Your protfolios are stunning. Glad to see you're using a Canon 5D I think there's on in my future also.


    Randy Bray

    Draw me

    I really like the "tight" framing of this shot and the extremely shallow depth of field. This is a very clever shot, and a breath of fresh air.
  9. Your comments are welcome.


    We are surrounded my beautiful, simple things if we just take the

    time to notice. I think as photographers we tend to look at the world

    differently, even when there isn't a camera in our hands. I think

    this gives us a keener eye.

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