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Image Comments posted by kentb2

  1. Tim, I'm always impressed but your work but its the volume and range of your work that is equally impressive. Your passion for finding the shot is evident in your output which is why its always nice to catch up on what you've been seeing. Thanks.


    I believe the people we photograph tell a little bit about the photographer as well as themselves. This speaks highly of you and your work. Good portrait photography is more than light, exposure and film speed. It requires a personal interest, trust and intimacy. These qualities abound in your images.
  2. You've struck gold with this one Jack. The composition is excellent. Its the play of all the characters between one another. The spacing is ideal, allowing our eye to dart back and forth and forth and back again. The contrast on the front girls' coat and face is magic along with the dynamic gaze. Why to hold your ground and get the shot.


    Beautiful detail and light pattern. I guess it's just us three tire lovers. Your eyes have the ability to bring all subject matter into the elevated fine art stage. This really is superb.

    the thaw

    Hi Linda. Just roaming your work again and found this. A deceivingly simple little shot with endless details that I get lost in. A warm palette sharing a cold space.



    Still hanging out in dark underground garages I see.

    I just looked through your portfolio again and it's matured so nicely over time. I respect your work drew. Just thought I'd say hi.



    Man this is good on every level.

    Nicely defined grid-like geometric space, colors that play oh so nice together, and a silhouette profile that speaks stronger that one would think possible. Killer work.

  3. Another deserving addition to, what I like to call your "Views from a car" series. Familiar scenes rarely seen photographed (thank you). The subject's importance is somehow elevated beyond our daily awareness and we are forced to recognize it despite our minds desire to move to the next frame.


    The oblivion of childlike wonder is captured so delicately here. The crispy clarity stops this moment in time flawlessly. Excellent John.
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