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Posts posted by uriah

  1. I REALLY love the Alien Bee 1600 that I have. I know everyone recommends them. It's for a good reason too. Easy to use and doesn't eat a chunk out of the wallet. I personally have never used Calumet but heard really good things about them as well.


    Good luck on your decision!

  2. Totally agree with ya there Steve.


    I really love photography. I didn't know that it was something that I really really wanted to pursue until about a year ago. I've always carried around a disposable film camera from Kodak. Then I bought my first digital P&S a few years ago when it was cool to have a 3 mp camera...lol.


    I've always had a taste for people photography and landscapes. Until PN I never knew anything about GND filters or even remotely what a polarizer filter was for. Now that I'm learning I find it hard to pick a path and stick with it. I would love to do weddings. I have no doubt in my mind I could be great at it with practice. But, I also love doing portrait work. Maybe eventually even in a studio full of strobes. For the time being I guess I'll just take it as it comes, stick to learning as much as I can, and hope that I wind up doing something in photography full time.


    Nice talking with ya,



  3. I got a call in early 2006 to help out a friend of mine who is a professional

    photographer. He simply asked if I wanted to get some practice in and assisting

    him in a wedding on December 31 2006. My job would be to capture the candids

    and help him with his lighting and posing people, getting everyone together.

    The job paid $100 which I was happy with.


    So here we are the day after the wedding and I cannot believe what all this guy

    truely had to do. I watched him all night as to maybe catch some insight into

    what all was expected of him. The entire wedding cost was over $100,000. I've

    shot 2 weddings before this one and both were 30-40 people tops. A tally at the

    end of the night was over 350 at this wedding. I jokingly told the main photog

    that I was so glad this was all on him. The reception is truly where I had a

    chance to shine. They had a beautiful cake and a huge 2007 ice scuplture which

    was to help ring in the new year. Live band, open bar and all you can drink.

    The napkins at our table had our names on them. Filet Mignon and tons of other

    goodies were on the menu. They had everything you could possibly imagine at a



    At the end of the evening and when everyone was finally heading home we

    downloaded our CF cards to his laptop and looked over all the images. I was

    happy with mine and he saw quite a few that he really liked which made me feel

    great. Huge weight off of my shoulders. When we finally uploaded his I was in

    awe of what I saw. Every image was a masterpiece. The lighting and the colors

    and everything about the composition was perfect. I was truely shocked at how

    much of a difference there were between his and mine. But hey, I was happy with

    my shots and I know I'm only improving every time I get out and shoot another



    My main reason for this thread was to say congrats on all of the established

    wedding photographers out there. There is truely something amazing about each

    and every one of you that separates you from everyone else. I now see what some

    or most of you have to go through.


    And people complain about the price for a good photographer. Sheesh.



    Thanks for reading,



    p.s. I hope to have a lot of images up by the end of the week.

  4. I might as well go ahead and ask while I started this thread. I bought my 50mm a month ago when Canon started their rebates. I think it's a $20 rebate if I'm correct double $40. The person who purchased the 17-40 bought it also at the same time. I believe it's a $45 rebate, double $90. Both lens were purchased through B&H. Am I qualified for the double rebate since I have both lens?



  5. So I finally received my first "L" lens tonight. I cannot believe how much of a

    difference in the body design compaired to my Canon 28-105 and 50mm 1.4. This

    thing looks and feels like a real piece of artwork. I've never seen one in real

    life except for images on the computer so actually holding one in my hands has

    put me on top of the world. I took a few shots a little while ago and uploaded

    them into my computer. The color and contrast is day and night compaired to the

    28-105 and the sharpness is right there with the 50mm. I'm so delighted to say

    I'm now in the same boat as everyone else who has one of these bad boys.

    The "L" addiction. I can't wait now to get another one!


    Merry Christmas to you all and I hope to have up a few shots within the coming



    Thanks a billion!



  6. Ian,


    I'm no pro but I've taken a few headshots which are in my people section. Nothing spectacular but I too am learning the ropes. I did find it handy to have a backdrop on hand in case you can't find a plain neutral wall. I shot a grey posterboard behind all the actors and some color just for kicks. Tape was a God send for holding up the paper background. The first time I did this I had the make-up artist and her helper hold the background for me and that quickly became a pain in the you know what. I had to tip them extra from all the work I had them doing.


    Anyways, camera settings. I shot under a shelter outside in a park. I had enough light coming in around 12 noon to shoot at ISO 100 - 200 and I set the dial on Av mode with the aperture around f/8. I didn't use flash for most of my shots under the shelter but did once I shot outside in the open sunlight to fill the shadows. A tripod helps but some don't use them. I didn't but would now knowing what I know so far. Geeze, I hope some of this helps you. Good luck and I hope all goes well! There are some really great photographers here on photo.net and I know some of them will chime in here and give you some fantastic advice.



  7. I'm most likely not the guy to answer this but I'll take a stab at it anyway. I think your shutter speed was set too fast in the first shot which didn't let in as much available light. I figured this out by looking at the flags. In the first shot they are still but in the second they are blurry which led me to think the shutter is the culprit.
  8. Wow. could I phrase that subject line any better? LOL. Anyways, my question is

    this. I'm shooting my 3rd wedding, but first night time wedding, and it's

    outside. I'm the 2nd shooter and I know that I don't have to worry "as much"

    as the main but I still want to get damn good shots. I don't care how dirty or

    messy I have to get while on the ground either. I just want to hand the main

    photog some really nice shots that he can hand the bride with confidence.


    The main photog is using his strobes and pocket wizards so I don't have to

    worry about setting his off with my 550ex. I'm going to probably use either my

    50mm 1.4 or a 17-40, which I know I'm getting for Christmas, on my 20D. Any

    helpful hints, settings or tricks for using this equipment for night time

    shooting outside with nowhere to bounce the light would be of much help. I

    just hate to use full on flash since it doesn't always give the best results.

    Once I get inside I can bounce my 550 all night no problem. I've got that down

    to a T.


    Thanks a billion for ANY and all help! You guys and gals are the BEST!




  9. or.....you could just shoot between f4-f8 and not sweat it. I have a lot of dust on my sensor too. Mine came brand new UPS with quite a few dust bunnies to spare. Be careful though like the above mentioned. Once you scratch it you're pretty much screwed. B&H photo carries everything you could possibly want to get you on the right track. I've had nothing but pleasant business through them.
  10. Jason,


    Sorry I don't have any plug-in links to offer you. Maybe you could create your own? If you are the creative type, which most all photographers are, use photoshop to your advantage and make your own! I've done this several times. Good luck!


    This place is great for some things... www.good-tutorials.com

  11. I don't want to sound like an idiot but are the two lenses the same then, and can I purchase the $1500 even though it was a past discounted item?


    Don't mean to sound stupid but that's why I joined photo.net, to get help when I need it at times like these.


    Thanks so far to everyone who has gave me some feedback. I'm going to order the lens probably tomorrow night. I have to deposit a check into my bank account tomorrow then it's time to order!


    Thanks a million!


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