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Posts posted by inoneeye

  1. oppositionalism that is a mouthful. It got me thinking about my knee jerk reaction to my first experiences with a phone camera. It was negative, pessimistic. Until I decided to not let the camera control me. I began to explore how I could put it to use creatively. It opened the doors.
    Not unlike a Polaroid camera (point shoot and self processed) I found that a mobile phone or Polaroid by some photographers can be used to make unique and glorious images. 
    i am finishing the prints for my latest folio book. It is dominated by ‘iPhone’ images. During the editing I found myself going back to some of the first phone camera photos I took… very low res. I am finding that with some thoughtful post craft they play well with the high IQ photos I am also using. I am not masking the phone look, I am using it. The rhythm that it sets is of my intent. There is a notable alliteration in content and characteristics that fits the narrative seamlessly. This is thanks to the iPhone.

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  2. I don't think it is limited to the evolving technological pro and con differences. I am captivated by the ability of the mobile camera phone to expand creativity.
    Cameras.camera technology... photography and image capture are evolving. At the same time photo(s) takers-makers are also evolving... in part thanks to availability of new technologies. For some the camera phone is a new.ish tool for expressing in new ways. Digital phone cameras may not differ from other digital cameras as much as digital to film or film to daguerreotype but it is notable for me in a similar fashion that instant cameras had.
    When i started using button pushing polaroids it opened me to finding a creative voice that was new and vibrant to me. Taking a polaroid was indeed simple... a snapshot. and it self processed unaided (or not). But in some photographers hands it was unique and glorious. The camera phone can also be a journey worth exploring.

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