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Posts posted by inoneeye

  1. 👍. Non-human gestures can also portray an emotion or communicate an idea.
    Lighting, framing… subject placement, textures, mood, contrast, capturing or imbuing agression/sense of calm, etc are all non verbal gestures and often expressions of emotion. Some captured in front of the lens and sometimes enhanced or created by the photographers voice.
    For myself this is key to the magic and the essence of what makes a photograph memorable. 

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  2. 👍 . Ian sucks you in with eye contact and light.ed skin... John's eye gaze and shadowed lighting take me beyond the frame. A very physical image in subject, content and also by using me the viewer. . I feel the presence of the camera and myself.
    "I see myself in this one." i also sense you in this photo Sam... maybe even more about you than Ian &or John, both doing a great modelling here. For me, you and your voice are present in the disciplined formality and structure of the image - often found in your photos. I have had minimal success in posing people but you are able to use poses and collaborations to incorporate your voice and make it yours through subtle and obvious gestures on both sides of the lens.

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  3. Gesture and Emotion are important in photography.
    I have spent the last many months selecting, processing, printing and editing nearly 50 years of my photo work. As I am nearing the end of the 11 folios that emerged I have been reflecting on why I have chosen the photos that remain. 
    Often… it is gesture and emotion. With portraits and street work the people I shoot, body language and the way they express their mood speak to me. And even with no people in the image I am most satisfied with expressing my emotions. Photography offers many tools and opportunities, gestures to achieve this….

    the editing of these folios got easier and more interesting / rewarding when I realized that for me gesture and emotion are a good way to express myself.

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  4. 3 hours ago, je ne regrette rien said:

    I'm certain that, even though the machine is instrumental and determinant of the visual result, and certainly a precise choice, it is never the starting point.

    In my work there are times that the camera choice is to support my intent… other times the camera I have with me is the 1st consideration of what I will shoot. My vision will often form outward from the camera, format and film stock I am using. This includes iPhone for me.

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