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Image Comments posted by h_r_herle

  1. Hi Tony, Nice capture. Liked the clouds and the rocks. During such situation I preferred to walk little more closer to the water so that the fore ground has some action. At times it is the water ripples, sometimes the sudden change in color for the rocks submerged in the crystal clear waters and times the the bubbles due to water splash.



  2. Hi, I feel this is the best of the lot. I cam imagine the less light you would have had for the foreground flowers.  Feel, you could have zoomed out a little or panned up the camera. Would prefer zooming out so as to not to miss the foreground.



  3. Hi Tony, Love the split in color from top to bottom. The clouds and it's reflection is used very well. I have attempted such snaps before but have failed. Just curious to know how you managed to have a good balance of light throughout. 






    Hi Tony, Clouds Water and Colors. Your landscapes are always the best. I keep coming back to your portfolio for these great landscapes.

    Thanks for sharing,


    Loch Lomond Trip


    Hi Alf, 

    Soothing and calm, a great image. The effort and pain has paid off, making it better than what possibly others (including me) would have carried home. 

    Thanks for sharing,


  4. Hi Tony, Very interesting image. Nice use of the background and the backlit leaf. I prefer the original posting (and not the cropped one) as the long stem / stalk add value to the image. It leads us to the leaves as well.



  5. Thanks Tarek and Maran for your visit and appreciation.

    Thank Tony, a 7 is a very liberal rating from you. I am sure this scored much lower when compared to your landscapes. 


    " U "


    Thanks Tony. I also preferred a little sharper. But the light was not bright enough and wanted larger range to be in focus. Had stepped down to f9.5 for the leaves and the tree to be in focus, had the ISO set to 800. Exposure time to .1s (hand held).  Sharpness could have been lost due to hand held or mist.  Any suggestions / inputs to better the result ?



    Green and shade


    Thanks Tony. I included this snap as I was liked the result. However could not avoid the internal reflection. Will try out your suggested approach of hand covering next time. I revisited the same spot after about 15-20 minutes, to give it a try again. The shadows by then had become considerably lesser. Also, due to brighter sun, stopping down made the shaded area look darker. 



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